Part 5

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To sum it up, Moriarty’s big evil plan consisted of him placing all of the gnomes into a room that was underneath London bridge where a large, 500-ton counterweight would crush all of the gnomes in that room. All of the gnomes in that room were glued down onto a giant M so they couldn’t escape, and the boat Watson, Sherlock, and Juliet were on would make the bridge raise. 

“You, Sherlock Gnomes, are going to be responsible for all the gnomes in London. The very sound of their destruction! And just to rub in my evil genius, I might drop the purple gnome off of London bridge!”

You gasped in horror as he said this. He was gonna kill you too?

“But probably not, I like him quite a lot. Maybe I’ll MAKE HIM BECOME MY EVIL KING AND PARTNER!!!” Moriarty said, laughing.

“We’ll stop you, Moriarty, you can be sure of that!” You heard Watson say on the other side of the screen.

“You can’t stop me when I’ve already won, can you? No. No you can’t. It was nice chatting with you, but I have to go to watch my evil plan unfold. Bye!” Moriarty said, turning the phone off and then turning to you, still tied up and unable to move. “You're coming with me. We're going to watch all of the gnomes be smashed to pieces!" Moriarty grabbed you and left with the gargoyles.

Moriarty and the gargoyles took you to the top of the tower on the bridge. From there you could see Watson jump off of a drone, grab some soap, and then run into the room where all of the gnomes were stuck. You also saw Sherlock on the drone.

"Sherlock!" You called out, hoping he would hear you and come rescue you.

"Y/n!?" Sherlock shouted in response.

"Darling, be quiet! Don't ruin this," Moriarty said, keeping you quiet.

Then Watson came out with all of the other gnomes that were now safe. You could here the gnomes thanking him.

"What!? You stupid gnomes ruined my evil plan!" Yelled from the top of the tower on the bridge. "Gargoyles! Go get them!"

The gargoyles went you go get them. Moriarty was holding onto you so you couldn't escape and started taking you down to the bottom of the building.

*with Sherlock and the others*

Sherlock turned to the others. "I'm going to distract Moriarty, but I'll be back as soon as possible."

"Be safe, Sherlock," Watson said, before Sherlock could leave.

"Don't worry, I will," Sherlock said, starting to leave.

*now it's back to you and Moriarty*

"Stay in here, darling, I'll be back to get you later," Moriarty said, putting you in a small hiding spot.

After you thought Moriarty wasn't near by you started to untie yourself. Once you were done, you went to go find Watson and Juliet.

"Watson! Juliet!" You shouted as you were running over to them.

"Y/n!" They both said.

"Are you alright? Did Moriarty do anything to you?" Watson asked, making sure you were okay.

"Yea, I'm fine. He didn't hurt me." You responded.

"I'm glad you're alright, Y/n," Juliet said.

*with Sherlock*

Sherlock looked inside of the bridge for Moriarty when he heard him say, "Oh, Sherlly!"

"Your plans have been foiled, Moriarty. Just give up already," Sherlock said.

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