His best friend

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Authors note: This is going to be showcasing how teenage girls think sometimes, and how things are not always perfect. (Tw: Anxiety/worry)
(y/n) is a freshman in high school, I want her to develop and learn her self-worth over time. Eren is gonna be a big figure in her life and treat her well and show her love.

Now enjoy the second chapter!


I hear my brother Austin crying from outside my room as my eyes are adjusting to the sunlight beaming out through my window. I feel cold due to the blanket that I threw off my bed while I was sleeping. I wonder why Austin's crying,

please make it stop.

I lay in bed for a few minutes with my eyes open and he finally stops. Then the thought came to my head which I had completely forgotten about,

Eren is gonna drive me to school today

I leap out of my bed as the floor creaks loud when I hit the ground, I took a step forward bringing myself to face the mirror in front of me. It feels like the whole world around you just stops, as you start to contemplate your self-worth because of how much you were putting it into this one boy.

How was I good enough for the boy that every girl was going after?

What makes me so special that he will look at me and think that I deserve him?

What if he looks at me and decides that I'm not good enough purely because of the way I look, act, and dress?

What if it's all not good enough for him?

I look into the mirror and stare at my reflection, asking myself all these questions as they're flooding into my mind, overflowing my thoughts, and making myself doubt. It was all making my head hurt and I was starting to question if he even sees me as more than his freshman little step-sister.

I mean, why should he?

I pull myself together and get ready for the day, trying to swat away these invasive thoughts like flies.

Ugh, why today

I check the time and it's 7:10, I have just enough time to eat breakfast

"There she is," says Grisha, seeing you walk out of your room to the kitchen table

I smiled and sat down on the chair across from Eren, and next to Grisha

I look up to see Eren, he looked nice. He was wearing a pair of tan khaki jeans with a white tee underneath his grey hoodie.

But no, you need to get him out of your head for your own good. He probably didn't feel the same way and all you were doing was hurting yourself.

I shook my head and looked at my mom who appeared to be making pancakes and bacon,

"Mom, why was Austin crying this morning? I was woken up by him and that's not something I wanna wake up to in the morning", I said a bit aggravated

My mom sighed, "(y/n), Austin was refusing to wake up for school, he said he was too tired from the video games he was playing last night. "

"Soooo where is he now?" I questioned

"He is in his room, asleep. I thought it would be good to give him a day off since his soccer practice has been so much"

I gave my mom a disappointed look, but just kept my mouth shut because my say doesn't do anything ever so why should I care

he gets to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, just by crying. My mom would never let me miss a day of school simply because I was "tired". Why does he get special treatment?

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