Bad Feeling. (picture is Kass)

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Kass Pov
I walked into class, looking for the desk with my name on it. I quickly found it as other students began spilling into the classroom. Then another student sat down next to me. It appears that their name is Xia. As I looked at them I already got a bad feeling. I don't think that this is going to work out well. I looked around and everyone else seemed to be chatting with the people next to them just fine, except for us. I could see them staring at me through the corner of my eye, perhaps they are examing me as I did to them. I suddenly snapped out of my thoughts as the bell rang.

Xia Pov
The person next to me looks super rude. Im just going to try and stay away from them because I usually know if someone is cool or not to hang out with. I shouldn't let this distract me from learning though, so im just going to focus on class. Everything was going well until the teacher, Ms Swanson announced that there will be a group project and you will have to do it with the person next to you. Just great, as soon as say that I will try and stay away from them we get assigned a project together. I decided to give them my number so that we could meet up and work on the project. Talking to them was extremely awkward, and they seemed quite rude. Hopefully they warm up to me when we meet up.

Both Pov
I hope my feeling is wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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