chapter ten

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     "oikawa-kun—" y/n called out, only to be cut off by the said boy.

"y/n-chan, it's fine if you call me tooru. it's not fair for you to allow me to call you by your given name but you don't do the same for me." oikawa scolded.

it'd been about a week since the nekoma vs. karasuno match, and the two had somehow became closer. it was now clear to the school that they had more of a sibling relationship, and clear to most of oikawa's fan girls when he'd sometimes call her 'y/n-nee'.

"ah, hai, tooru-kun." y/n mumbled, still not used to calling him by his first name. "how come you're not hanging out with iwaizumi-san as much? i— i'm sorry if i'm overstepping my boundaries, i just feel guilty if you're hanging out with me rather than your bestfriend."

oikawa looked at the girl currently behind the cashier, chuckling a bit. "awe, are you worried about our friendship, y/n-nee?"

y/n cracked a smile, rolling her eyes playfully, "no, it's hard to babysit you by myself."

the brunette let out an offended gasp, wondering out loud where the 'nice' y/n had gone to. he managed to stay calm before explaining the situation. "iwa-chan's been hanging out with his girlfriend whenever he has time, so you're not taking me away from him." he half lies.

he didn't want to be anywhere near yumie and he knew if he'd told iwaizumi what he thought of her, he'd just be stubborn and spend time with her even more.

y/n's face contorted into a look of relief, and oikawa was more than happy to see that on her. she looked at the clock, "tooru-nii, don't you have practice this morning?"

oikawa nodded, happily munching on his second milk bread. "you could come if you'd want, instead of waiting around in your class, y/n-chan. it would help for your resume for college. i'm sure the coaches won't mind."

y/n thought for a moment, seeing as her shift is about to end. she'd gotten bored on waiting for in the class for an hour for class to start. "sure, i'll come this morning, but if the coaches say i can't then i'll leave, alright?"

"of course! thank you, nee-chan!" y/n laughed, before heading towards the back to clock out and change clothes.

"of course! thank you, nee-chan!" y/n laughed, before heading towards the back to clock out and change clothes

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both coaches approved of the girl coming by whenever she could to help and practice on her sports medicine. they both agreed that maybe having someone their age could straighten up the captain and team.

"l/n-senpai! do i need to work on anything?" a first year with hair that vaguely reminds the girl of her nekoma friend.

"if you could jump higher, that would be amazing, kindaichi-san, and don't forget to also take note of your landing and how you spike." she informed him.

kindaichi nodded, taking in her words and thinking about what to do next time he goes for a spike. her advice had already helped the team greatly, especially the first and second years that were still a bit sloppy with their form.

though their receives and blocking could use some work, y/n decided to put them off for a different day, not wanting to make the boys overwork themselves in one day.

iwaizumi was surprised that the girl came to their morning practice with oikawa, but he didn't complain seeing as she was able to help their underclassmen get improve their jumps and form. quicker than how he, oikawa and the coaches could.

"y/n-chan, you're so talented! how're you able to allow the first and second years improve in such a short amount of time?" oikawa asked, praising the girl of her works. the other third years nodding, complaining at how sometimes it would be difficult for them to make their underclassmen cooperate.

"y/n-chan...?" iwaizumi mumbled low enough for no one to hear him. he wondered when they'd gotten close, remembering the last time he had a conversation with the girl, she called him 'oikawa-kun'.

his thoughts were snapped out when y/n answered, a light blush on her face from the amount of attention and praise, "i played with my old school's volleyball team often to understand the game more. it was difficult for me at first, but i did some research and found the best way to explain things, plus we had a pretty good coach."

iwaizumi looked at his classmate in shock. she was really dedicated in becoming an athletic trainer, learning how to play the game along with the technicalities, cooking and baking, and not to mention massages to keep the players in top form.

"she never fails to impress me." he mumbled. hanamaki and matsukawa smirked, hearing the boy. they, along with the rest of the team, shipped the two classmates together.

practice is soon over, the boys cleaning up the gym and went to the club room to take a shower and freshen up for school. iwaizumi was one of the first to finish. he left the room and saw y/n placing her notebooks in her bag.

he was about to walk up to her when a familiar voice called out his name.

"hajime~ are you done with practice—?" the blond was cut off when she saw his classmate in the gym, talking with the coaches. "what's she doing here?" she scowled.

"shittykawa invited l/n-san to help with her resume to get into an sports medicine school." iwaizumi explained.

uragiri let out a 'hmph'. "maybe she's using him to get closer to you." she called, walking away.

iwaizumi stood, confused before following his girlfriend, "what do you mean, using him to get closer to me?"

"just as i said, hajime, you're good looking. just like how people used you to get to oikawa, it can work the other way around." she informed him, twisting y/n's innocent actions into a malicious one. iwaizumi hummed, overthinking into half believing the girl. "and don't call oikawa shitty if you can't even be better than him."

that was the last she said before breaking off, going to her group of friends who accompany her to her class.

that was the last she said before breaking off, going to her group of friends who accompany her to her class

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