chapter fifteen

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seeing karasuno play is amazing. their ability to adapt is surreal, and hinata definitely makes up for his lack of technique with raw athleticism. y/n makes sure to take notes of their plays and skills.

y/n had first met up with the team in their practice gym, ensuring all the players were warmed up and did some activation exercises to prevent any injuries. she and the coaches then went to the gym to leave the players to practice, only to find out their court was right next to karasuno.

the three went to the stands, paying close attention to the game. date tech is known for their greatest defense and she could see how. technique wise and athletic wise. she just knew her mohawk haired friend would be annoyed at the defense whilst kuroo and kenma would come up with something sly to get around it.

"l/n, irihata-san and i are going to head down with the guys. are you okay up here?" coach mizoguchi wondered.

the girl turned towards him and smiled, "sounds good coach. i'm fine, thank you." a familiar blonde girl caught y/n's eyes and widened when she made eye contact with yumie and her friends.

yumie glared at y/n before rolling her eyes and mumbling something to her friends. y/n just sweat dropped at the reaction. she wasn't aware that yumie would be there but decided not to think too much about it.

y/n looked back over at the game, surprised at how calm the team was despite the iron wall standing in their way. she also made eye contact with oikawa and iwaizumi, the latter rolling the basket of volleyballs towards their side of their court. y/n waved happily, making oikawa smile widely.

they turned their attention back to karasuno's court when they heard hinata yell out. thankfully they were able to watch the set and spike, but it was still insanely quick. their demon quick. their growth was insane. she made sure to text the nekoma team, claiming the practice match really did a number on them and helped them.

"it has to be a fluke, right?" "it was too fast for anyone!" "i mean, look he just fumbled that serve, there's no way that was planned!"

y/n hummed, proud of the first years. although she wasn't contributing to their practice or growth, it's awesome to see how they grow. 'i'm gonna make sure my team in the future grows just as fast.'

she focused back into the game once she saw hinata was back to the front of the rotation. she saw how kageyama was able to do set the ball from the back row and hinata was able to hit it. all while keeping the same, quick and demonic speed. just then, date tech called for a time out.

"hinata-san and kageyama-san are super cool," she mumbled out.

"yeah, who would expect an incredible technique like that?" hanamaki grumbled. the team was closer to the walls, waiting for their turn to practice their spikes. "we definitely didn't at first."

"y/n-nee, you better not be rooting for that prodigy."

y/n sighed at oikawa's response, "now that they've done their insane quick, everyone seems to be focused on hinata-san, which they definitely have the right to. but wouldn't that mean that they're missing out on tanaka-san and the other spikers?"

their eyes widened, nodding along with the girl.

"i don't even think date tech's coaches have caught onto that, y/n-chan," matsukawa noted, seeing how stiff the players are.

iwaizumi knew the girl was smart and dedicated, especially considering all that she's done for the team. not to mention he was able to see a portion of her analysis skills during the karasuno and nekoma practice match. but he didn't expect her to catch on this quickly.

"y/n-san's insanely smart," he accidentally mumbled out, but the players close to him heard the praise. oikawa, hanamaki and matsukawa smirked at each other knowingly while both kindaichi and yahaba smiled softly.

just then, y/n was shoved to the side, yumie uragiri and her friends now occupying the spot she was just in. y/n was just able to catch herself from tumbling to the ground, mentally thankful for her quick reflexes.

the three third years saw the interaction and gave the girls a death glare, yahaba and kindaichi needing to put their hands on their shoulders so they don't think about causing a scene.

meanwhile, iwaizumi looks up at his girlfriend, the look of surprise and confusion written on his face. "yumie! i thought you said you couldn't make it."

"surprise! did you really expect me to miss out on your most important game?" the blonde smiled, the false sweet voice she used made the five other players furious at her lack of care towards y/n.

y/n sweat dropped at the title. although it's nice to go to all games, she knew the capabilities of the team and knew that they'll make it fairly far into the tournament.

thankfully, it was the team's turn to warm up, so they bid the girl farewell while iwaizumi wrapped up his converstation with the girls and followed his team.

"uragiri finally came to our tournament, huh?" oikawa noted, walking with his friend towards the basket of volleyballs.

"yeah, but is it bad that i wasn't as happy as i thought?" iwaizumi asked.

many would assume oikawa was bad at relationships due to the amount of girlfriends he's had and having his own fanclub doesn't help. but iwaizumi knew better. oikawa is good with expressing his feelings and most of his breakups were to benefit each other, since he's typically wrapped up in volleyball and doesn't want to hurt the girl.

oikawa shook his head, "not at all. if there's anything on your mind about your relationship, you should communicate with her. for the few years you've been the one just going along with what she says or does, so maybe it's time for you to talk about what you want. just a thought." he grabs a volleyball and turns toward his bestfriend.

"i know you're usually overthinking everything iwa-chan, but just do and say whatever is on your mind. if i catch you zoning out during the game, i won't set to you here or the next game. or the game after that~"

"of course i'm gonna focus on the damn game." iwaizumi grumbled getting to position for oikawa's set. all thoughts of yumie uragiri out of his head, only focusing on y/n's advice for spiking.

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