Chapter Four

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He was on autopilot for the rest of the day, too enraptured in a glorious daydream to focus on what was happening. He got home at around 1:30am, exhausted. He only remembered stumbling into bed, fully clothed, before he fell asleep.

Dream awoke at around 4am that night, with a call coming in from an unknown number. He debated answering it, still tired, but eventually picked up the phone.

'Dream?' Immediately asked the voice on the end of the phone.

'Sapnap?' Dream asked, incredulous. 'It's 4am dude, what do you want?'

There was a muffled noise that sounded half like a sob for a moment, before Sapnap continued. 'It's George,' he said. 'There's been an accident.'

Time seemed to stop, then. There was no other way of describing the feeling. His thoughts were racing, matching the fast tempo of his heartbeat. He kept swallowing, trying to summon words from his mouth that fought not to escape.

'What,' he said, through gritted teeth. 'Happened.'

'I- I don't know, we were walking him home after a party, and the car, it came out of nowhere-'

Dream cut him off, voice almost robotic. 'Where is he.' He demanded, sliding on his sneakers and a coat. He scribbled a note to his mom, telling her where he'd gone.

'He's at the hospital,' said Sapnap, and gave Dream the full details of his room whereabouts so that Dream could visit.

He broke every speed limit as he drove, biting his lip until blood was almost drawn. He parked in front of the hospital, and dashed in, eyes flashing almost maniacally. At the front desk, the receptionist gave him directions of how to get to the ward, and Dream sprinted off in the direction that was suggested.

When he finally reached the correct room, he saw George lying there, eyes half open, smiling weakly when he saw Dream.

'Hey there,' he muttered, words slurred from meds.

'What happened, George?' Dream breathed. 'Who did this to you?'

'I don't know,' George responded, sleepily. 'I only saw a car, and then a flash of lights, and then I woke up here. I guess someone called an ambulance to come get me.They don't know who was driving the car, though. They panicked and drove off.'

Dream felt a tsunami of rage crash over his insides, covering every ounce of logic he had left. 'Let me get this straight,' He growled, seething with rage. 'They did this to you, and then just drove away?'

'I think so, but it's okay, Dream, don't do anything rash-' He couldn't finish his sentence, Dream had already left and was driving to the nearest police station, where his mother worked.

When he got there, he didn't bother introducing himself at the front desk, everyone knew who he was. He knocked thrice on the door to his mother's office, who was working the night shift this week. He let himself in, and she was sat at her desk, sorting through a number of files. She looked up at him, tired.

'Hello, Clay. Everything okay?'

'I need CCTV footage.' He said, and seeing his mother's questioning eyes, followed on quickly. 'A friend of mine was caught in a hit and run incident tonight, and I need to know who did it.'

'Clay, you know I can't release any such footage to the public, no matter what.'

'Make an exception.' He replied.

His mother sighed, and opened a few tabs. 'Street name?'

He gave her all the relevant information, having taken the address of the incident from Sapnap on the phone.

She typed at her keyboard silently, and scanned through the video tape from the last couple hours, until she stopped, a look of terror in her eyes.

'What is it.' Dream demanded. 'Do you know the numberplate? Who was it?'

'Clay,' She said, clearly trying to be cautious as she spoke. 'Please don't freak out about this, but- it was your car.'

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