Chapter Eight

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Back forward in time a couple years, Dream was being led into the courtroom. Large hands gripped his cuffed wrists tightly behind his back, it took everything in him to refrain from making kink related jokes. The guard was alright. Over the past weeks of non stop interrogation, he'd made Dream cups of tea every now and again, Dream assumed that he was friends with his mother.

Speaking of his mother. They still had not properly conversed since that night a long time ago, he had lost all faith in her by this point. He felt that she had betrayed the idealistic meaning of the word 'Mother,' failing to believe and understand him when he needed it most.

The doors to the courtroom lay open, gaping a chasm into the room where the next few years of his life were decided. There were judges and jury stationed in their particular bearings around the room, watching expectantly as he walked the figurative plank into the sea of sharks.

He scanned the room for the witnesses on the sides of defence and prosecution, each stood with their respective lawyers. On one side, there was Wilbur, unsurprisingly. He didn't look very happy to be there, but, in any case, he was a petty man by nature and Dream was sure that would drive him to make the worst possible situation for Dream given the opportunity.

On the other side, there were Niki and Sapnap, he assumed Sapnap was only there because of the events of the call the night that George was hit.

'Court is in session' Spoke the judge, their voice rattling through the speakers like a tin can full of coins. 'Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?'

Dream briefly debated saying no, simply because he presumed it would make a couple of people laugh. Although, unfortunately, this was not a laughing matter.

'Yes.' He said. The room hummed with conversation for a split second, and then silenced again.

'State your name.' The judge continued, rattling through the usual rigmarole. Dream answered truthfully, though a little blandly, he had been here before. Although, last time, attempted murder was not quite on the line.

'First, we will here from the prosecution. Would you like to bring your first witness to the stand?'

Wilbur gulped, and stood from where he was previously seated. He looked absolutely terrified. Dream couldn't help but feel a small ebb of spite seep through his chest. He knew that in Will's position, he might take a similar stance on the situation, however he felt so much dislike towards him as he stood in the stands, too naive to attempt a small understanding. Perhaps, given context, he would not hold such a pessimistic opinion. Sadly, however, there was no time to contemplate such detail as Will stepped up, clearing his throat.

'Um.' He started, voice hoarse. 'My name is Wilbur Soot.'

The prosecuting juror started to speak. 'Mr. Soot, could you please speak about the day before the incident? What were your interactions with the offender?'

'Well, it's kind of a long story. But, I um, found his sketchbook with the, yknow- pictures of George in it. Then I thought they were dating cause Dream seemed like properly in love with George and whatever, the little notes around it kinda gave it away. But anyway, I made some joke about it, and he got super mad, and threatened me, which was honestly terrifying cause he's like a big bloke, right. Anyway, I thought it was super weird that he had those little notes without any sort of relationship. Then he hits George with his car like that same day, and he's been kicked out of so many schools before, I just think there's something shady going on. Like he gets all obsessed with someone and kills them or something. I don't know.'

'Thank you for that Mr. Soot.' Said the judge, almost wearily. 'That is all we need from you.'

Wilbur nodded, and descended from the stage, with a weird expression on his face, somewhere paradoxical between guilt and triumph.

'Now we will be hearing from the defendant.' The judge nodded toward Dream's lawyer, who spoke next.

'I would like to bring in a surprise witness, to begin with. Mr. Davidson? Will you come up here please?'

Dreams heart seemed to rise into his throat, making breathing rather more difficult than in an ideal situation. He was wearing an oversized pink hoodie, with some tracksuit bottoms. Dream wanted to laugh, aware that the unspoken rule of the courtroom was very formal clothing. He assumed it was a british thing. George looked how he always did, except with a serious, grave expression painted painfully across his features. He stood where the juror previously was, pulling the microphone down to be more accessible for his height.

'My name is George Davidson,' He said. Even his voice lacked its usual bounce and charm, indicating the magnitude of the situation.

'Mr Davidson, would you please describe your relationship with the felon.'

'Um. Okay, so, we've pretty much been friends since he came to the school, I guess. I spoke to him on the first day, and then I got to know him a lot better after he joined the football team. He's honestly one of my good friends. I guess, I feel more like myself with him? Sure, I haven't known him long, but I'm pretty certain he wasn't the one behind the wheel. Or if he was, then there's some selective amnesia going on. Because Dream believes he didn't hit me, and I believe Dream. I trust him.'


Well. That. Yeah. All Dream wanted to do was to break free from his handcuffs and run to hug George. God, he loved that man. Even though they hadn't known each other long. Something just felt right.

'And, what is your opinion on the sketches of you? Evidence folders 1,2 and 3, if you will. He says that he is obsessed with you. How does that make you feel?'

George blushed. Dream grinned. 'Yeah... I don't- I don't mind.' He said, voice small, even when amplified through the speakers.

'Please elaborate, Mr.Davidson.' Said the juror, looking mildly amused.

'Well, I mean, I'd say he's pretty attractive.' George responded.

'So you think his obsession with you is a perfectly innocent crush?' Persisted the judge.

'Well yeah, I mean, he can be in love with me if he wants. I don't take any issue with that.'

Dream had to hold his breath to stop him from laughing out loud. He felt like getting up and doing a little joyous dance, tapping his feet to the rhythm of his heartbeat. He finally made eye contact with George, and held it, for what felt like their own little chunk of forever right there.

He kept staring at George, hardly paying attention as the Judge spoke to Niki and Sapnap. To Dream, it didn't matter what they said. All that mattered was George.

Finally, after hours, the case came to a close, and the Judge and the Jury voted. Dream could sense the collective held breath of the room, the silence so loud, his blood pulsing through his veins seeming like it echoed around the chamber.

'I pronounce him... Not guilty!' Said the Judge, and Dream felt light as a cloud in that second. It seemed like the resolution to all his problems, and there was only bliss remaining.

Everyone flooded out of the courtroom, Dream's hands uncuffed, his footsteps unburdened and delighted. He followed the crowd through the beaten-up hallway into the outside world, breathing a wonderful sigh of fresh air.

'Dream!' George shouted. 'We did it!'

And then George was in Dream's arms, as they laughed, George cried, predictably, and everything was okay.

Until, a thought occurred to Dream. It wasn't he who hit George, so who was driving the car?

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