Beyond St Augustine.

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As Enzo the Damon ran, they noticed something. The world.
They noticed the world and how everything had changed.
"Enzo.." Damon said.
"Yes, Damon?"
"Remember when we took a sip of mildly saucy shart? Well it gave me strength."
Enzo stood motionless, puzzled.
"Are you saying you want to sip the shart out of my ass?" He asked.
Damon nodded.
They both got a sip from each other's ass's. "That was by far the best ass I've ever ate." Damon said. "And I've been alive 178 years to try some tasty ass."
With their new super strength, they commited 46 mass homicides.
46 mass homicides... together.
"I love you, Enzo"
"I love you too, Damon."
They ran to the nearest motel. "Separate rooms?" The secretary asked. "No." They said, in sync with each others hot, raspy voices.
"I don't get paid enough for this."
Enzo and Damon ran down the halls of the motel. Damon fell. "NO DAMON! ARE YOU OK? AHHHH! HELP! AHHHHH DAMON NOO!!"
Damon looked up at Enzo.
"I think the shart is killing my internal organs."
Enzo held Damon's hand until his very last breath.
"I will avenge you, mate. Actually, I will avenge you; Damon. The love of my life."
Enzo sipped from Damon's ass one last time and did a moon walk into the abis.
Enzo was alone yet again.
But his fight was nowhere near over; as Damon would live on in his heart forever.

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