Spies And Information

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Meanwhile, the group were gathered in Stripes's treehouse to discuss their plan.

"So how are we gonna bring back the sun?" AJ asked.

"Stripes, do you have any books about this?" Blaze turned to the tiger truck.

"Yes, about the moon, but nothing about bringing back the sun," Stripes sighed as he brought out his book and placed it in front of them. "It even has info about this Solano guy,"

"Great! If we know more about him, we can find a way to stop him," Watts smiled.

"It says here that Solano is a powerful wizard with the power of the moonstone at his staff and at his fingertips," Stripes read aloud. "He loathes the light of the sun, ironic to his name, and grows stronger in the dark. He is SO powerful that he could plunge the world in a black hole for his dark wish to cause eternal darkness!"

"Yeesh... he really needs some light on his situation..." Darington grimaced with a giggle once realizing what he said.

"It also states here that Solano had once been the royal wizard to the kingdom that kept the moon in tact, but his selfishness and greed for darkness overpowered him, and he had attempted to destroy the kingdom!"

"A moon kingdom? Maybe that's the answer to our problem!" Blaze realized.

"What do you mean, Blaze?" Starla questioned.

"If we head to this moon kingdom then maybe we can ask for help to fix the moon and bring back the sun!" Blaze explained.


"What that?!" Zeg asked.

"It came from outside!" Stripes cried out.

Blaze drove out and found Crusher and Pickle stumbled on the floor, dazed and just near the window.

"Guys, what are you doing here?"

"Nothing!" Crusher quickly said, gulping as he and Pickle got to their tires while the rest of the group came out and joined Blaze. "We... uh..."

"We wanna help bring daytime back," Pickle shrugged.

"I... yeah," Crusher sighed. "Were you guys talking about the Moon Kingdom?"

"Yeah," Blaze nodded. "If we find the rulers, maybe they can get the city out if this magical midnight masquerade."

"Hmm..." Crusher knew that his sister wouldn't like surprise guests, but he knew that they didn't have much of a choice at the moment. "Alright. So you need to get to the Moon Kingdom. I know a way,"

"You do?" Gabby looked surprised.

"Yes, I do," Crusher nodded. "It's just over the mountains and through the forests. I can lead the way,"

"Really?" Blaze beamed. "That's great!"

"One problem, though," Watts frowned. "How can we drive in the dark? We barely made it to Stripes's treehouse, what else to a far away kingdom,"

"What about speed lights?" Zeg suggested.

"Just like before!" Gabby grinned and brought out her stuff. "With these on, we'll be able to drive in the dark!"

She went over to each of them and placed on their speed lights. The group gasped as they all lit up in the darkness.

"Perfect!" Blaze exclaimed. "Okay, lead the way, Crusher!"

Crusher nodded and drove off to lead the group down the treehouse and through the jungle, heading to the mountains.

Eclipse Of The NightHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin