Facing The Queen

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"Whoa..." the group gasped as Crusher led them into the village.

The village was lit up with crystal lights as the villagers all did their jobs. They glanced at them as they passed, some of them waving while others looked wary and ignored them.

"This is a beautiful place!" Blaze exclaimed.

"Yeah, but villagers no seem to like Zeg and friends," Zeg pointed out.

"You guys are strangers, so that's no surprise," Crusher shrugged. "Come on, the palace is this way!"

Surely enough, as soon as they exited the village, they came upon a huge palace of crystal blue with black rocks and sapphires for decoration. The entrance was made of silver, along with the silver linings that roamed across the palace while a crescent moon symbol shimmered above on the tallest tower of the palace.

"WOW!" Darington gasped. "This place is so AMAZING!"

Just as they approached the palace entrance, however, the guards in front pointed their spears at them threateningly.

"HALT!" they yelled. "State your business here!"

"We need to see your rulers as soon as possible," Blaze said. "We need their help!

The guards narrowed their eyes, but a flash from Crusher's made them nod. "Understood. Come, follow us,"

They led the group inside, through the silver halls of the royal palace where more guards stood guard. They soon approached a door, and one of the guards knocked on it.

"Your majesty, there are trucks in need of your help,"

"Please, send them in." A voice from inside replied.

The guards nodded and opened the doors for the group to enter. Crusher let Blaze take the lead as they confronted Moonbeam, who sat on her throne and stared down with authority.

"Greetings, your majesty," AJ said as they bowed.

"What is it that you all need?" Moonbeam questioned, pretending to be oblivious, which caused Crusher to roll his eyes.

"It's the sun, your majesty," Blaze explained. "A wizard named Solano made it disappear and froze the moon in it's place!"

"I see..." Moonbeam slowly nodded, eyes narrowing at her brother discreetly. "Can you not fix it yourselves? Doesn't any of you know moon magic?"

"No, ma'am," Watts shook her head.

Crusher returned the stare of his sister and shook his head vigorously. Moonbeam's eyes widened in realization.

"Ah, I see," she stood up from her throne, held up high. "Well, I MAY be able to help you..."

"Oh, thank you," Darington sighed.

"...IF you prove yourselves worthy of my help," Moonbeam added. "You see, we are very wary of newcomers. How would we know if you are all trustworthy and not working for Solano himself, coming here as a spy?"

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeah, I can see that," Pickle shrugged.

"What do we need to do to prove ourselves, your majesty?" Gabby asked.

"I shall give you all three tests," Moonbeam answered. "A test of strength, a test of trust and a test of loyalty. If you pass each and every one of them, I will help you,"

"We can do that!" Blaze exclaimed.

"Alright then," Moonbeam smiled. "Guards, lead them to the arena for the first test,"

"Yes, your majesty," the guards nodded and led the group off.

Crusher stayed behind, face-palming as Pickle went with the group. Moonbeam did the same before shaking her head.

"No, no, Pickle, you and Crusher don't have to take the test,"


Pickle sighed in relief before zooming towards Crusher. The group turned to her, confused.

"Why don't THEY have to take the test?" AJ asked.

"Because they've been here before and have already proved themselves worthy," Moonbeam coolly replied.


The group seemed to buy the excuse and drove after the guard. As soon as they were gone, Crusher turned to his sister with a raised eyebrow.

"Are the tests necessary?"

"You don't trust them, so why should I?" Moonbeam retorted with a grin.

"Oh sis..." Crusher sighed and shook his head. "I have reasons why I don't say who I am,"

"It's safer this way, little brother," Moonbeam ruffled his head with a chuckle.

"Whatever you say, big sis," Crusher let out another sigh.

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