Chapter Two - Jade POV

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I was awakened the next morning by Orion jumping on me. "Mommy! Daddy told me to come get you! There's someone at the door for you!"

I sighed and pulled the blankets off of me. "Alright, alright." I tried to shake the grogginess. "I'm up."

He took my hand, leading me downstairs excitedly. When I got to the door, Marco was inside, hands folded behind him. He gestured toward the terrace. "Can we talk?"

I nodded, rubbing my eyes. "Yeah." I looked at Orion. "Go find Daddy. I'm running outside for a few minutes."

Orion took off.

Marco smiled. "He's a little ball of energy, isn't he?"

I started to walk toward the terrace, still half asleep. "Yes. And quite the alarm clock."

"Sorry I had to wake you," he said.

We stepped outside. The fresh morning air woke me up much faster than being inside. "What is it?"

He sighed. "I couldn't sleep again. But this time there was a good reason."

I stared at him, waiting for him to continue.

"Yesterday, when we were hiding out, I swear I saw Damien. It was only for a split second, but I saw him." He shook his head. "I sure as hell hope not. He's great at manipulation and could potentially turn me back into what I was before. I can't go back Jade. I refuse to. I'd rather die."

"Marco," I placed my hands on his cheeks. "Damien is dead and no one on our side would ever bring him back. No one on that side knows that spell. You're fine. We are all fine. Calm down."

He furrowed his brow and closed his eyes. "Then who did I see?"

I shrugged. "You may have seen him, but it could have been your mind playing tricks on you. Please try not to think about it. You are safe."

He nodded, his eyes still closed. "You're right."

"Come on," I said. "I'll get changed and we can go to the realm. We need to meet Aidoneus."

He nodded and I walked upstairs. When I came back down after changing, Marco was gone. I shrugged, assuming he headed to the realm without me. But stepping into the realm, I quickly realized that wasn't the case. He wasn't there.

I called his phone. Nothing. I tried again. Nothing. I couldn't leave as I had an early morning class, and then I had to prepare for my afternoon class. I sighed. Why was he avoiding me?

Aidoneus approached me. "Hello Jade."

I smiled. "Hey." Truthfully, I knew what he was going to ask.

"Have you seen Marco?"

I shook my head. "I saw him this morning before I left, but he didn't show up here today." I shrugged, attempting to hide my worry. "I'm sure something just came up."

He stared off, contemplating. "Right, well if you see him, please call me." He handed me a slip of paper.

I nodded and stuffed it in my pocket. "I will."

He left, and I sighed, calling Marco again. Once again, nothing. This time I left a message.

"Marco, hey, it's me, Jade," I spoke quickly, nervous. "Could you please call me? I'm getting nervous. Aidoneus was looking for you, but left. If you were avoiding him, it's safe now. Please come? Or call? Please?"

I hung up, hoping the message would prompt a call.

Morgyn came up to me. "Everything alright?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I think so." I glanced around. "Marco is MIA, but I think he's just avoiding Aidoneus. But Morgyn, something really weird is going on. I don't like it at all."

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