Chapter 44 - Make it Stop

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Sebastian Bianchi

Age: 17

Despite having the girl of my dreams securely safe within my arms, I couldn't help but a gut-wrenching rage that slowly consuming every single on my thoughts. 

A rage that only grew as I looked over the shades of purple and blue littered across her perfect skin. 

I had waited at the beach for 4 fucking hours last night. 

4 hours I waited for her to come and meet me. 

After those 4 hours came to an end I had stalked straight towards her bedroom to give her a piece of my mind only to find an empty room. That was when my worry started. 

I had a feeling that something was wrong then. 

I always seem to have that feeling when it comes to this girl. 

I don't know what it is. But I always find myself thinking of her. Those green eyes that seem to be lifetimes away, drowning in sadness. The marks on her body haunt my mind, rob me of any sleep that I might be able to get. 

I knew that growing up in the life we are cursed with was rough, it was always rainbows and sunshine. But I also knew that something wasn't right here. It wasn't normal. The amount of bruises and scars across her body. Her timidness. And it wasn't even just her, I had seen one too many bruises on Carlos as well. It just didn't seem right. 

 I didn't know who was hurting my Mila, but I was sure as hell going to find out. 

I stayed in her room for a further 2 hours after I had come to find it empty. 

2 hours filled with anxious thoughts combined with anger. 

Once she had finally walked through her door so many hours later, I thought that I was going to break right then and there. 

She was covered in blood. I don't think there was an inch of her skin that didn't have the crimson coating it. 

There was this look of defeat within her eyes that had sent a shiver down my spine. She looked so done, so lifeless. 

I was so overwhelmed seeing her like that. Barely able to stand. Wheezing as she struggled to breathe. I couldn't comprehend anything that I was feeling, I was so blinded by it all. So I turned to anger and stayed there. 

I had channeled everything that I was feeling into my anger. Vowing right then and there that I would hunt down whoever had done this to her and they would suffer. They would die a slow and painful death for even looking at my girl the wrong way.

The only thing anchoring me, keeping my semi sane was the girl in my arms. 

Emilia was resting her head on my chest, her blonde hair spread out across the both of us. In her sleep she looked calm, as if she was at peace. 

I found myself looking over every single mark on her tanned skin, commemorating every single detail to memory. Every bruise, cut, scar. I would remember it all. I knew I would. 

I hadn't slept at all last night. I couldn't. 

I stayed up watching over her. Terrified that she was going to be taken away from me in the middle of the night. I stayed up, just to make sure that nothing would happen to her with me here, I had promised her that. 

I was broken out of my thought when Mila began stirring on my chest. When a wince left her lips as she moved slightly the anger that I had locked away simmered back up. 

I brushed my hand over her soft hair trying to comfort her. 

Emilia moved around a little more, before calming down, settling back down on my chest. 

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