Chapter Twenty Nine

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story. Really hope you like it. Leave me your feedback.

Niall's Pov:

"I miss you!

"Harry you saw me three days ago" I said.

"Not the point! You have no idea how boring it is without you here" I laughed and shook my head. Zayn and I have been in our new home for just over three weeks now. Louis, Liam and Harry came down to see us a few days ago. When we first got here I was scared about being without them. I didn't know how I'd cope but I had nothing to worry about. Zayn's been my rock. He's done nearly all the decorating and he's bought all the things we need for the baby. Whenever I've missed everyone back home he's comforted me. I know I can do this. As long as I have Zayn with me I can do anything. "Oh my god! Niall I've just seen the most adorable baby outfit online!" Harry squealed down the phone. 

"You've bought the baby enough clothes Haz. I could open a shop!" I said. 

"Oh shut it! I'm allowed to spoil my god child. Plus it's got the most adorable writing on the front. I mean come on I have to get it!" Harry stated, I laughed once again. 

"You'll spoil this kid rotten" I pointed out. 

"I'll spoil all of them rotten. When you and Zayn pop out some more" Harry joked.

"Woah slow down! Let me have this one before you start bringing up more" I exclaimed, Harry laughed loudly. 

"When's your next scan anyway?" Harry asked me. 

"Two weeks time. Zayn's been getting the house ready and everything. I won't be able to do any heavy lifting because of the stitches so he's getting pretty much everything done now so we can focus fully on the baby" I informed him, Harry hummed in response. 

"Ow!" I heard a loud crash. "You son of a fucking bitch!" 

"I gotta go Haz. I'll give you a ring later" I said as I slowly got up from the couch. 

"No don't. I'll call you tomorrow. Louis and I are going to see a film" Harry said and a smile grew straight across my face. 

"Have fun" I teased, Harry scoffed. 

"Shut up!" He mumbled before laughing softly. I chuckled. 

"I'll talk to you tomorrow Haz. Have fun" I said. 

"Will do. Tell Zayn I said hello" Harry replied. 

"Bye" I said before hanging up the phone. I then heard another crash and another curse left Zayn's lips. "What's up with your daddy eh?" I said softly as I placed my hand on my stomach. I then began walking up the stairs. 

"Zayn? Where are you?" I called out. 

"Bedroom" Zayn yelled back. I made my way into our room and found Zayn on the floor surrounded by pieces of the cot. "What're you doing?" I questioned. 

"Trying to build this thing" Zayn pointed to all the stuff around him. "Not working at all. I'm trying to put this thing into this thing, But this thing keeps falling out while I'm attaching this thing! Then that thing won't slide into that one" You rambled on and I couldn't help but laugh. 

. "Yep it's hilarious Ni" Zayn mumbled causing me to laugh even harder. 

"I'm sorry but your face when you get annoyed. It's to cute" Zayn rolled his eyes but smiled. 

"I just want the cot and everything to be done before the baby makes an appearance" 

"You'll figure it out way before then" I said. 

"If I haven't broken the thing by then" Zayn mumbled loud enough for me to hear. Just then the baby kicked.

"Ohh! Don't think the little one likes the sound of that" I commented, Zayn looked at me and I signalled for him to place his hand on my belly. "Baby tell daddy what you think of him breaking your cot. You tell daddy the cots mine" I said in a playful voice, Seconds later the baby kicked. Zayn laughed and shook his head. 

"Daddy won't break it baby. He'll just give it a little push" I chuckled. "And a kick for good measure" Zayn mumbled before standing up and going back to the cot. 

"Harry say hi by the way. He bought the baby another thing. Oh yeah and he's going on a date with Louis tonight" I informed him.

"Good" Zayn began screwing the cot together again. "Did you get the text Danny sent? About him taking Li out on a double date?" Zayn asked, I shook my head.

"Nope. Must've sent it while I was on the phone to Harry. But that's great. I think he'l-" Zayn's phone ringing cut me off mid sentence. 

"Hello? Oh you alright mum? Yeah things are great. Settled in good yeah. Having a few problems with the cot but I'll figure it out" Zayn laughed. "Yeah but the girls cot was different. Yeah Niall's great. Baby's doing fine kicking alot more now. Oh. Oh right. I don't want any trouble. Like I don't want Niall or the baby put in harm and I definitely don't want them around arguments" I raised my eyebrow. "Erm I'll speak to him see what he thinks about it and let you know. Alright mum. I love you too. Bye yeah bye" Zayn hung up the phone. 

"What?" I asked. 

"My dad wants to see us" 

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