Chapter Twenty One

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story. Really hope you like it. Leave me your feedback.

Zayn's Pov:

Four months. Niall's just a little over four months pregnant. The times flown by. It seems like only yesterday I learnt he was having a baby and I pleaded with him to keep it. Things between Niall and I still haven't improved. I'm still madly inlove with him, But I'm still to afraid to admit it to him. People think I'm being selfish. They think I should just tell him and live this happy life. Liam told me not to deny the love I deserve, But if I don't Niall could get hurt. The thought of somebody touching him. Harming him and making him bleed it makes my insides twist. I can't see him get hurt. I grew up seeing things no child should ever have to see. When I was under the age of fifteen I'd be at the hospital half the night while my mum got stitches. While they tended to her broken bones. At night sometimes I'd hear her cry herself to sleep. I'd hear her crying because of the physical pain in the bathroom when she thought I wasn't listening. My dad loves her, Nobody can deny that. But he's bought so much pain into her life. She has scars that probably won't ever heal. I sighed as I looked down at the scan of our four month old baby. The baby was starting to grow and so was my love for it. At our last scan it was just Niall and I that went. Liam thought it would be a great opportunity for me to admit how I feel, It didn't happen. I smiled as I slowly ran my thumb over the picture. 

"Still can't believe it's real" I looked up from the picture when I heard Niall speak. "It's hard to believe somethings growing inside of me" He said as he walked over to the bed, I smiled at him. 

"Lads are placing bets on if it's going to be a girl or boy" I informed him, Niall chuckled. 

"Nobodys going to know until the day he or she is born. Not even us" I nodded my head in agreement. Niall and I decided we didn't want to know the gender of the baby. Both of us would be happy with a boy or girl. We wanted it to be a surprise. "Zayn can I ask you something?" Niall asked as he sat down on the bed. 

"Anything" I replied. 

"I just want to go see my mum and dad. I haven't been to see them in a long time. And Louis and Liam are busy, I don't wanna go on my own. Kind of freaks me out. Will you come with me?" Niall questioned, I placed my hand ontop of his. 

"Of course I will. We'll stop by the florist get them some flowers aswell" I said, Niall smiled at me nodding his head in agreement. 

I followed Niall into the cemetery. He guided me all the way to where both his parents were buried. As Niall walked he had his hand placed on his stomach the whole time. His strength amazes me. I'd never be able to do something like this. I stood back enough to give Niall some space when he crouched down infront of his parents tombstones.

"Hi mum. Hi dad. Sorry nobodys been around in such a long time. Things have been pretty hectic as you both probably know. Hope you don't mind but I bought Zayn along with me, Didn't fancy doing this on my own. Place give me the creeps" Niall said. He then looked back at me and slowly held out his hand. I could see in his eyes that he needed somebody. I took hold of his hand straight away and crouched down beside him. 

"Hi Bobby, Maura. You have one of the most amazing sons in the whole world, But you probably know that already" I stated, Niall gently squeezed my hand. 

"Is it stupid that I talk to them? I mean, I know they aren't really there, But I don't know. Guess I find it comforting" Niall mumbled, I slowly shook my head. 

"It's not stupid. They can hear every word your saying Ni. No they aren't right here infront of you" I pointed to the headstones. "Your mum and dad are up there" I pointed to the sky. "Right now they'll be looking down on you with smiles. They'll be listening to every word you speak" I said, Niall smiled. 

"Zayn? When we have the baby. Whether it's a boy or a girl, I want them to have my parents name. Like if we have a girl I want her to have her name then Maura. Same with a boy his name and then Bobby, Is that ok?" Niall asked, I placed my arm around Niall.

"You don't have to ask my permission Ni I-" I was cut off by the sound of my phone ringing from inside my pocket. "Sorry" I said before pulling it out. "It's Li. Hello?" I quickly answered the phone. 

"Zayn where's Niall?" Liam exclaimed.

"He's with me. He's with me look calm down! What's going on?" I asked, I pulled Niall's body against mine. Something didn't feel right. 

"It's Louis. Look the job went wrong. Louis hurt" Liam informed me.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"Home" Liam replied.

"Alright. We'll be there fifteen minutes alright?" I didn't bother waiting for Liam to reply, I just quickly hung up the phone.

"What's happened?" Niall asked. He had concern in his eyes. 

"It's Louis. He's hurt" Niall's eyes widened and the fear that overtook him made my heart sink.

"Wh- Well is he alright?" Niall chocked out. 

"I dunno. Look come on let's go back".

Niall kept hold of my hand the whole journey back to the house. Every few seconds he'd give my hand a light squeeze. The moment Niall laid his eyes on Louis he looked as though somebody had just punched him straight in the lungs. I watched on as Niall ran over to him, Dropped down beside him and screamed at Danny to get the first aid kit. Louis face was busted open. Liam quickly approached me while Niall sat cleaning up Louis cuts. 

"What happened?" I asked.

"Alex bailed on him at the last second. Louis went on out and did the job on his own. He was jumped by some drug addicts they must have thought he was selling" Liam informed me, I sighed. 

"I'll deal with Alex later. How'd he get back here?" I questioned.

"I knew where the job was. When hours passed and he didn't come home I knew something wern't right. So I jumped in the car and drove down" Liam said, I shook my head. 

"Li can you get him upstairs?" Niall spoke. 

"Yeah" Liam replied. 

"I'll help" Danny said. They both walked over to Louis and Niall moved out the way. Liam and Danny slowly lifted Louis body up. They guided him to the door and I gently patted him on the back, Louis turned his head and smiled weakly at me. 

"I'm still the most handsome out of all you fuckers" Louis joked, I think it was said for Niall's benefit mainly. 

"Course you are buddy" Liam replied with a light chuckle. As the boys helped Louis out the room my eyes fell on Niall. He was stood there with his hand placed on his stomach.

"The baby alright?" I questioned, Niall slowly nodded his head. I opened my arms for him. "Come here" I stated, Niall quickly walked over to me and I wrapped my arms tightly around him. "He's alright Ni. He's alright" I whispered softly. 

"I know. You'd think I'd be used to it by now" Niall mumbled before looking up at me. "But I'm just not. Everytime they get hurt I'm afraid. Without them I have nothing. I'm on my own" Niall exclaimed, I quickly shook my head. 

"No. No you aren't. It'll take more then a little beating to get rid of Louis same goes for Liam. And you have the baby" Mine and Niall's eyes connected. "And me. You've got me Niall. I'll never leave you on your own. You have me" I whispered. I then cupped Niall's cheek gently before leaning down and kissing his lips. 

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