Chapter Seven

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, Really hope you like it. Leave me your feedback.

Niall's Pov:

Every year I dread this day. Every year it has to come around. So many years have passed and it's still not any easier. Toady's the anniversary of my fathers death. Toady's the day he left us behind, He left us because of his own stupidity. Its the same thing every year, I stay silent because I feel nothing but anger inside. My insides are screaming but nobody seems to notice. People think I don't wanna talk about it, They think I want to forget, But I don't. I want somebody to notice, I want somebody to stay with me. Louis, Liam and myself are never together today, Louis and Liam go out drinking. They drop me off at Harry's and leave. I see them the next day and they look terrible, They look hungover. Angers bubbling away inside of me. Questions, Questions I'll never get the answers to. I hate him, I hate him for what he did, What he put us through. He ripped our family apart. Did he ever care for us? 

"Niall you can't" Danny exclaimed as he stood infront of the frontdoor. 

"Why not? Why can they go out and get wasted but I can't?" I yelled.

"Niall calm down alright. I know today's hard, It's hard for all of you but you need to calm down. Louis and Liam want you at Harry's tonight" Danny said, I rolled my eyes. 

"They want me out the way so they can drink" I screamed, Zayn entered the house.

"What's taking so long? Niall? What's wrong?" Zayn questioned.

"He wants to go with Li and Lou" Danny replied, Zayn nodded his head. 

"I don't understand why I can't go! He was my dad to! He was my fucking dad to!" I yelled as I began smacking Danny on the arms, Zayn grabbed hold of me and I began thrashing around in his arms.

"Hey come on, Come on, Hey, Calm down, Calm down Ni" Zayn whispered into my ear, I could feel my anger slowly slipping away piece by piece. 

"Go out with the lads I got this" Zayn said.

"But he's supposed to be going Harry's" Danny replied.

"He dosen't need sending off, He needs someone to talk to. He's staying with me tonight" Zayn stated, Danny sighed and seconds later I heard the frontdoor close. "Ni look at me. Hey come on handsome look at me" I looked up at Zayn. "Go clean your face ok? I'll make us some food, Meet me in my room? We'll talk" Zayn stated.

"Thankyou" I mumbled, Zayn smiled before gently kissing my forehead, I then began making my way up the stairs. 

If Louis and Liam can drink themselves into a pit tonight why can't I? I've always wondered how drinking can possibly help. What does it do? Does it make the pain stop? Does it make it all better even just for a while? In Zayn's bedroom he had a mini fridge, Inside the mini fridge was bottles of alcohol. I grabbed one and quickly took a gulp, The fluid burned my throat as it went down. 

"Looks like you got started without me" Zayn commented as he entered the room with a tray of food. "Come sit down" Zayn said, I slowly walked over to his bed and sat down on it. "Wanna tell me what all that was about earlier? Lashing out that ain't like you Niall" Zayn said, I sighed.

"He died today. It's the anniversary of his death today" I mumbled, Zayn took hold of my hand. 

"I know. Nobody wanted to say anything, We didn't know if it'd upset you guys" Zayn said. 

"I wanna talk about it. Every year I want to talk about it but nobody notices, Nobody sits down with me and talks about. I don't feel like anybody cares enough" I admitted, Zayn ran his thumb across my knuckle.

"I do, I care enough. Talk to me" Zayn said softly.

"I don't understand why it's only today that I feel like this. Every other day of the year I miss him, I wish he was here with me, But today, Today I just, I feel so angry. I feel so much anger inside of me. I hate him, I hate him for what he did to our family" Tears filled my eyes. "I hate him for leaving us behind" Zayn placed the tray of food on the floor and pulled me against his chest, I sobbed quietly.

"It's natural for you to be angry at him Ni. When your dad died you were to young to really understand what happened. Everyone deals with grief differently Niall. Your so much stronger then you think you are" Zayn stated, I shook my head. 

"I don't feel strong half the time. Sometimes I just want someone to talk to, Someone who'll see I'm struggling, Like you did tonight" I mumbled, Zayn ran his fingers through my hair. 

"Whenever your feeling weak, Whenever you need someone to talk to my doors always open" Zayn said, I looked up at him and smiled slightly. 

"You've done so much for me already" I whispered, Zayn smiled. 

"It's what you do when you care for someone" Zayn replied, I looked up at Zayn and in his eyes I saw something I'd only seen in movies. I saw the look of adortion, Of protection, I slowly raised my hand and cupped Zayn's cheek, His eyes followed my hand, I slowly leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss to Zayn's lips, He sighed as we pulled away. We looked eachother directly in the eyes before our lips connected once again.

We were lost in our own world. A world where nothing else mattered apart from the two of us. Were there for eachother. I'm the shoulder Zayn always needed to lean on. He's the understanding person I've always needed. The both of us were letting our passion out, Clothes were peeled away from our bodies, Hands grazed hot burning flesh. Moans of pain and pleasure bounced off the walls around us. I clawed at Zayn's back as he slowly pushed in and out of me. Sweat poured down both our bodies, I grazed Zayn's face gently as our lips connected once again, I pulled away and moaned loudly.

"Yo-You ok?" Zayn asked as he continued to slowly thrust in and out of me, I nodded my head slowly, Another moan slipped from my lips. 

"Yyea" I chocked out, Zayn slowly ran his fingers through my hair before pressing his lips to mine once again. I could feel my climax reaching, My moans were getting louder and Zayn's thrusts were becoming more frantic. My legs tightened around Zayn's waist and a groan fell from Zayn's lips when I reached my climax tightening my walls around him. Zayn reached his climax only minutes later, He thrusted a few more times before pulling out and collapsing beside me. We were both gasping for breath and our hearts were pounding. A sigh fell from Zayn's lips when he turned to look at me, I said nothing to him, I physically couldn't. Zayn gently took hold of my arm and pulled me close to him, I laid my head on his chest, Listening to the sound of his heartbeat. Zayn's fingers ran through my damp hair, He slowly leaned down and kissed my forehead, He sighed once again with his lips still rested there. My eyes began to slip closed, As I drifted off into a peaceful sleep I heard Zayn mumble. 

"Your to good for me Niall" I was about to speak when Zayn pulled me even closer to him, It was then that I decided not to. It may have been just a moment of passion we shared, But there is one thing I know for sure, I've never felt safer before.

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