|🎸🫐 Just a game?🫐🎸|

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| This was requested by katzufini thank you for commenting! ^-^ |

It was a late night, Sora was tired and had just finished studying.

"What time is it?" He mumbled checking the clock in his room. "1:02 jeez."

Suddenly, a voice came out of nowhere. "Boo."

This made Sora jump, he turned around and saw Jaxx sitting on the inside of his window ledge.

"Jaxx what are you doing here at this hour? How did you climb through the window? Did you climb through the window? You shouldn't be here! What if your parents realise you're gone? Wouldn't you get into a lot of trouble?" Sora began muttering and overthinking, it was a habit of his.

"Well maybe if you didn't keep talking, nobody would realise that I'm here," Jaxx replied.

"Oh right sorry," he mumbled

"Nah we're good," He smirked and began looking around. "I've never actually been inside your room before, nice place you got."

"Thanks..." Sora began "are you dodging my questions?"

"Maybe," Jaxx gave one of his usual smirks and sat back down on the windowsill, crossing his legs.

"Don't be a tease." Sora groaned. "Why are you here?"

"Would it be so bad to say that I wanted to see you?" He smiled.

"You hardly talk to me unless it's our stupid cat and mouse game."

Sora and Jaxx would usually tease each other or make fun of each other during school hours, jokingly of course.

Whenever Jaxx came up to Sora he would flirt with him because he loved to see the look on his face when he got flustered.

By now, he would just expect it and try to brush it off. But each time it just made him more shy and embarrassed.

Jaxx's expression grew serious as he stood up and got close to Sora's face.

"Jaxx buddy, w- what are you doing?" He began to shy away and stepped back until he hit the wall, each time Jaxx stepped forward.

"Let's put the game aside, you like me." He smirked.

"Pshh- no I- I do not." Sora began to get defensive even though his face was heating up.

"You're blushing little blueberry, you obviously do." This time, Sora couldn't tell whether this was teasing or not.

"Ok this one is going too far you can stop now." With every word his pace was getting quicker as if punctuation didn't exist in his speech. "Waitdidyoujustcallmelittleblueberry?"

"Yes and not so loud otherwise you'll wake up your parents, got it?" Jaxx replied.

"I wouldn't want to get you into trouble but I kinda would like a little assistance here I mean I'm not used to being up against the wa-" Sora was cut off by Jaxx kissing his forehead.

"Sora this is all just a dream this isn't real-" he was talking to himself trying to avoid eye contact.

"You do like me huh?" Jaxx smirked again.

"Nope, no, this is fine, everything is fine." Sora was mumbling again.

"Have I ever told you you're cute when you're flustered?" Jaxx grinned as if he had expected this, but in fairness, he probably did.

"Yeah that one is getting old now." Sora nudged him a little and shuffled over back to his desk where he was studying and sat down, trying to ignore what just happened.

"Are you wearing bunny slippers?" He was enjoying this.

"Yes. What about it?" Sora replied

"Oh nothing don't worry." Jaxx kept smirking throughout almost this entire thing.

They both sat in silence while Sora was mesmerised by the moonlight outside.

His head slowly started to slide down his hand onto the desk and in a few seconds, he was out cold.

"Blueberry?" Jaxx called out, "you fell asleep you rascal."

He then picked him up and carried him to his bed. Jaxx carefully placed him down and tucked him in.

But just as he was about to get up, Sora tugged at his sleeve.

He playfully scoffed and got under the covers with him. Making sure he didn't wake him up, softly wrapping his arms around him.

| thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed <3 requests are open so feel free to ask, also you may ask for au's and such ^-^

Word count-708

Have a beautiful day/night! ♡︎|

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