Chapter 1

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~Ian Pov~

I brush my fingers through my hair once more before grabbing my bag and throwing it over my shoulder. Im not really excited for this school year, it probably going to be boring as hell. Juniors aren't exactly praised like Seniors. I start heading down the stairs when I hear my mom yell from downstairs.

"Ian! Anthony's here!" I smile and quicken my pace down the stairs. Anthony and his family went on a trip around America for almost the whole summer, so I'm pretty fricken excited to see my best friend again.

Once I reach the bottom of the stairs I see the best friend I haven't seen in months. Wow. He's grown taller,tanner, and his hair is longer and he looks...older. I wonder if he acts different? I still look and act almost exactly the same.
Anthony has his hands in his pockets and is leaning on our dinning table for support. He is glancing around the house,I shift a little and then his eyes lay on me. I all of a sudden feel extremely self-conscious until a huge smile appears on his lips.

He gets off the table and starts walking over to me " Ian! Hey,man." He says as he wraps his arms around me. "Hey Anthony." I say with a huge goofy grin. Anthony and I, even though we care a lot about each other, aren't very affectionate to each other very often. He pulls away and says
"So, ready to go?"

"I guess I am." I reply.

"Well let's go then,"Anthony stays with a grin. "Bye Mrs. Hecox!"

"Bye Sweetheart!" my mother says from the living room.

I roll my eyes and follow Anthony out the door.

The drive to school from my house is pretty quick, which is awesome, but not when you and your best friend are trying to catch up. Anthony hasn't changed at all since the last time I saw him,he still talks about Nintendo nonstop, still has that bubbly laugh, still adjusts his hair every two seconds. I'm glad Anthony hasn't changed, but him constantly touching his hair while driving isn't the safest and it's kinda annoying.

"Stop touching your hair," I say with a giggle.

"Shut up,asshole." Anthony says with a smile.
Our school comes into view and I automatically let out a sigh. I'm not really in the mood to go to school for 8 months.

Anthony stops in front of the school and looks over to me "You can get out now if you want, I need to go park my car."
"Okay." I say and grab my bag while stepping out of the car.

"I'll catch up with you later!" Anthony says as I am about to close the door.
"Sounds good." say and shut the door closed.
I walk up the steps to school and prepare myself for all my classes. I figure out where my first period is and start heading to their class. As I'm walking a guy bumps my shoulder and my schedule flies to the floor. "Watch it," a big, muscular guy says and keeps walking. I scramble for my paper and get my finger stepped on in the process. Dick. A pair of rather big hands grabs it for me and says "Here," while handing it to me.
I look up and see a boy my age. He has blonde hair and bright green eyes, He has Anthony's build to him, and is very tall. "Uhm, Thanks."
I grab my paper and continue walking "I'm Austin by the way," he says and grabs my arm to stop me from continuing walking. "What's yours?" He grins.
"Who's your first period?"
"Mrs. Javier, I think."
"Same! Wanna walk to class together?"
"Sure." I say and give him a small smile.

Austin is extremely talkative, which I am thankful for, considering I'm not the best at striking up conversation. We walk in the class door and I look around for a seat, and I see Anthony sitting on a desk going over his schedule intently. I grin and speed walk over to the seat next to him.
"Oh hey! Im glad we actually have a class together." Anthony says and chuckles.
"Same here. Last year we didn't even have one."
"They probably did that cause they know how freaking obnoxious we are together"
"True." I say and laugh. Austin takes the seat next to me. Mrs Javier intructs everyone to take a seat and class begins.

~Hey everyone this is my first story with multiple chapters so I hope you guys enjoy. :)

High School (Ianthony)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora