Chapter 6

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I got the idea for this chapter from my friend Crowsdaughter>> go check her out!
Warning: This Chapter could be triggering for some people. I will put a warning when it starts to get..intense and then another when its over.

After that day in the car, the awkwardness between Anthony and I slowly started fading away. I was so happy to be joking around with him again, and to see him laughing and smiling made me ecstatic. Another plus was I started seeing Anthony during lunch, which hadn't happened all school year. My thoughts were interrupted when Anthony waved his hand in front of my face. I looked up and he let out a small chuckle. "Whatcha thinking about?" Anthony questioned as he took a bite of his crappy cheese sticks the school makes.
"Nothing really," I lied. Anthony and I were sitting under the tree Austin and I usually sit at together during lunch, but he had to make up a Algebra test today. Anthony and I continued talking about random shit until I saw a figure hovering over us. I looked up and saw Austin looking down at us,
"Hey guys" he said.
"Hi" I replied and Austin  squatted down to be eye level with us. "So I've got a question"
"And whats that?" I question with a mouthful of food.
Austin chuckled and continued,
"So I'm having a huge party tonight, to make some new friends and such, and I was wondering if you guys wanna go"
"Sure!" I said and looked over to Anthony.
"Anthony do you wanna go?" I questioned.
"I..erm...i guess"
"Cool!" Austin said and pat Anthony's back a bit too hard.
"See you guys tonight then!" And then Austin stood up and walked away,which was odd. I was hoping he'd stay and eat with us...
"You don't wanna go do you?" I asked and chuckled.
"No, honestly, I don't" Anthony replied with a small laugh.
"I bet it'll be fun!"
"I dont know man, maybe" Anthony said and gave me a small smile, and I gave him one back.
~after school,before the party~
"ANTHONYY" I whined.
"What?" Anthony said and with a smile.
"I can't find anything to wear. This is the millionth shirt I've tried on and I still don't think it looks right" I said and pouted.
"I think you look great" Anthony said and stood up from my bed with a small blush on his already naturally pink cheeks.

"If you say so," I say and fix my collar on my blue flannel.
"Let's go" I say and walk towards my door. "Bye Mom!"
"Bye! Don't be out too late!"
I roll my eyes and follow Anthony out the door.
After Anthony and I leave my house and get into his car, the drive to Austin house isn't long at all. Anthony parks on the side of the road, since the driveway is completely full of cars.
I look over to Austin's house and see it's actually a large-ish house. You can hear music blasting and see lights flashing through the windows.
"Ready?" Anthony says and I nod. We get out of his car and walk up to his doorstep, it's pointless to knock since the music is blasting so loud, so we step inside and are greeted with couples hungrily kissing, deafening music, and the smell of sweat and liqour.
I wasnt exactly expecting a party like this. Anthony has way more friends than I do, so some dudes I don't talk to stumble up to him with red solo cups and start patting him on the back and saying their hello's. They offer him a drink and he looks over to me and I shrug. He grabs the drink and they all hollar and pull him away to do who knows what. He turns his head around and shoots me a worried look, and I shrug and give him a smile to tell him its fine. He smiles back and turns back around and disappeares around a corner. Welp.
Looks like I'm alone.

I walk around Austin's house and just see if there's anything to keep me occupied, also to find Austin and have someone else to talk to. After about 30 minutes of wandering, I find a couch and plop down. I sigh and put my head back onto the cushions. This party is a lot more lonely than I expected. I sit there for a few minutes and I then feel someone sit on my lap and I shoot my head up and see Austin, with a goofy grin and a red cup in hand.
...Austin...drinks? He takes a swig of his drink and speaks up.
"You look bored Ian! Where's Anthony?" Austin shouts over the music.
"He wandered off awhile ago with some friends!"
Austin then unexpectedly turned so he was facing me on my lap.
Austin then leans next to my ear, and I can smell the alcohol in his breath.
"I can keep you some company, Ian" Austin says in a low, husky voice.
I make a confused face and he climbs off of me and grabs my wrist and starts leading me upstairs. I start to feel uncomfortable and try to pull my hand away from his grip. He tightens his hand around my wrist and once he reaches the top of the stairs, he takes a right and opens a door with his free hand. He steps in and closes the door.
"What the hell are you doing?" I say and attempt to pull my arm away again. He grips my wrist tighter and I let out a whimper.
"Stop Austin that fucking hurts!" I yell and he looks at me right into the eye. He hungrily presses his lips against me and I attempt to pull away, but he grabs my other wrist and pins me against the wall. "Austin stop!" I yell and he then sticks his tounge in my mouth to silence me. He lets out a low moan and tries to explore my mouth. I am about to yell again but he pulls away and with my wrists still in his hands pushes me onto the bed in the room.
"A-Austin please stop! Y-You're drunk!" I yell and try my best to get free.
"Shh.  You're so sexy," Austin purrs. A shiver goes down my spine, and with my arms at my sides and him pinning them down, he climbs on top of me, straddling me and starts kissing my neck. I let out a whimper. I never have felt lips on me before. Soon I feel him grinding on me and I try to stifle a moan.
I want him to stop.
I try to get up but his weight is holding me in place.
"A-Austin stop!"
"Shush baby" Austin whispers and kisses me on the lips again. I don't want this at all.
He continues grinding and soon I have a huge erection.
He takes notice and pulls up my shirt a bit with his teeth and starts licking and kissing above my pants.
He lets go of one of my wrists and starts palming me through my jeans. I let out a moan but then yell at him, "Get off me, Austin!" I say and shove him off me with my one free hand. He lands on the floor with a thud. He stays there for a second,shocked, but he soon stands up and he looks at me dead in the eye. His eyes are full of anger, and lust. This isn't Austin. He's drunk. Fear builds inside me and he does the last thing I thought he would do.
He hits me.

I let out a loud shriek of pain and get flown into into the floor, hitting my head in the process. I grab my nose, where I was hit, and I feel hot blood spill onto my fingers. I keep my hand there and I can feel tears escaping.
I'm scared.
I'm in pain.
Im so scared.
Austin kneels next to me and I start shaking in fear. I look at him and he then grabs my pants and quickly pulls them down. I let out a sob and I know what's about to happen. I want to stop him so bad, but I'm terrified to protest again.
"I know you want it too Ian" Austin says in a low voice.
And right then I just let it all out. I wail and sob, because I don't want it.
No one can help one can hear me. I can still hear the music downstairs, and then I realize no one is aware of what is happening just upstairs.
Austin  then proceeds to take my shirt off. I try my best to keep atleast my shirt down, but he tugs harder and I feel a rug burn on my back.
"Please Austin," I cry and try to look at him in the eye.
I hear a loud pound on the door and a voice followed with it,
"Ian?! Are you in here?!"
"Anthony!" I wail and I then hear hard pounding on the door. I continue screaming and then I hear the door burst open.
I see Anthony come into view and I see his eyes go wide, and I start trying to escape to get to Anthony.
Anthony's shock is replaced with Anger amd he forcefully walkes over and grabs Austin by his shoulders and pulls him off me. Austins falls backwards onto the floor and scrambles to get up. Anthony then shoves him back on the floor.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Anthony screams at Austin.
In that time I scramble over to my shirt and quickly slip it on.
I hear smacking and fumbling coming from Austin and Anthony, but during that I slide on my jeans.

"Stay away from him!" I hear Anthony shout and I turn to see Anthony hit Austin,hard, right in his chest. The breath is knocked out of him and Anthony then rushes over to me and grabs my hand.

"Let's go" Anthony says and we bolt down the stairs, through his house and out the door. We sprint across his yard and get into Anthony's car as quick as possible.
Anthony starts his car and we speed off.
I try my best to muffle my cries on the way back to my house, but other than my quiet sniffles and sobs the ride is completely silent.

Anthony pulls up into my house and quickly gets out the car. I sit there confused as he walks around to my side and opens my door, I'm about to get up until Anthony slides his strong arms under me and lifts me up. He carries me to my front door and opens it.
All the the lights in my house are off, telling me my parents went to bed already. Anthony carries me up the stairs and into my room. He gently sets me on my bed and starts to pull himself away but I cling onto him.
"Stay" I beg.

"I wasn't planning on leaving you,"
Anthony says softly and cups my cheek. My heart feels warm and I feel relieved.
"I just don't want to be alone,"

"And you wont have to be," Anthony says slowly and softly rubs my cheek with his thumb.
"thank you." I whisper and a few tears escape. He wipes them away.
"Let me go get you a tissue to wipe your nose." Anthony pulls his warm hand away and leaves my room.
He comes back quickly after with a couple of tissues in hand. "Thank you" I say and quickly grab the tissues from him and wipe my nose. After I think I've wiped all the blood, I look up and Anthony's face is pulled into a worried expression.
"It looks that bad,huh?" I say to try and lighten the mood, but he simply walks over to me and I feel him wrap his strong arms around me, and and I hug him back. My heart rate increses and my cheeks are on fire.
And in that moment I realize,
Oh god.
I have feelings for Anthony.
I have just completely ignored it.
I pull away and look up to him, and he returns my stare. His fringe is disheveled, his warm brown eyes are comforting and gorgeous.
My cheeks heat up again, and so do his.
"You're beautiful." Anthony wispers.
"So are you," I say truthfully,
Even after all that's happened tonight, I am only focused on Anthony.
"I'm sorry about what's happened to you... You didn't deserve that, at all, but just know I will always be here for you,"
He gently cups my face... and I have never wanted to kiss someone so bad.
He slowly leans down and presses his lips to mine. And I smile against his lips, because I wanted it.

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