Chapter 3

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~Ian POV~

Sixth period is going to suck,I can already tell. The teacher handed out those stupid "get to know you" sheets were you fill out your favorite color and shit. I sit there doodling on my paper and I hear the bell go off, finally. I gather my things and and my teacher grabs my paper off my desk. I grab my bag and start heading to the front of the school, searching for Anthony. It's weird, I haven't seen him since first period. I dont see his car in the front so I decide to sit on the steps. I sit waiting for Anthony for about ten minutes and decide he probably isnt going to take me home. I sigh and grab my bag and then I feel someone sit next to me. I turn my head and see Anthony sitting next to me smiling.

"Hey" Anthony says casually.

"Hey where were you at lunch? and why are you late?" I question.

"I was busy" Anthony says with a huge grin.

Why is he so happy? I had no idea where he was and I havent seen him all day! He could have atleast texted me.

"okay" I say, irritated.

I stand up but he is still sitting.

"Are we gonna go or.." I say

"If you want to" He says still grinning.

I start walking into the parking lot and I feel him grab my arm.

"I thought we could walk you home" Anthony says cheerfully.

"What? Why?"

"Its just really nice today"


Anthony starts walking in the direction of my house and I follow.

We walk next to eachother in a comfortable silence, and Anthony was right, it is actually beautiful outside. We keep walking down the twisty roads to my house.

~Anthony POV~

I'm going to do it. Do it Anthony. It's not that big of a step just do it! I turn and look at Ian and study his face. He's glancing around looking at the trees and flowers. He's so beautiful. I feel my stomach doing a flippy thing, and I go for it. I reach my hand out, so close to intertwining our fingers together, until I hear someone yelling Ian's name behind us.

~Ian POV~

Anthony and I turn around and I see Austin jogging over towards us. When he reaching us he says,

"Hey guys," trying to catch his breath, his cheeks red.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I ask.

"I walk home and to school, so I was walking and I saw you guys." He says with a cute smile.

I giggle and turn to see Anthony glaring at Austin. Whats up with him? I shrug it off and speak up.

"So, Do you want to walk with us?" I ask and he nods his head happily. I see Anthony then shoot me a glare but I ignore him. Austin is my friend so why can't I ask him to walk with us?

"Have you played the new pokemon?" Austin asks as we continue to walk, with me in the middle and Anthony and Austin to my sides.

"No, actually. I havent gotton allowence yet this month. Once I do I'm totally going to get it though," I say.

"Oh. There is this one part-" I put my hand over his mouth quickly and yell, "Don't spoil it to me!!"
Austin grabs my hand off his mouth and starts laughing. I turn my head smiling in hopes to see Anthony laughing with us, but its the total opposite. Anthony is glaring  straight ahead, clenching his jaw. My smile fades and I feel really concerned. What the hell is up with him? Austin continues to talk and ask questions and I answer occasionally and nod when necessary.
"Alright Ian I'll catch you later" Austin says and starts to walk towards his home.
As soon as Austins house is way behind us, I stop Anthony by holding his shoulder.
"Anthony what's wrong?" I ask, genuinely concerned.
Anthony lets out a sigh and puts his hands in the pockets,
"Nothing dude" Anthony replies,lying.I suddenly feel slightly irritated.
"Well I mean you were in a really good mood and once Austin came over you got all pissy and jealous-"
"Well I didn't mean-"
"Whatever man," and said rolling his eyes and pulling his hands out of his pockets, he then continues walking.
I stood there for a second and sighed. I sped walked over to catch up and grabbed his should once again, feeling him tense under my fingers.
"Anthony I'm sorry that was uncalled f-"
"I know. It's fine" Anthony says turning and looking me in the eyes.
I feel puzzled for a second but continue, "I-"
"Just drop it, Ian" Anthony says harshly and pulls himself away, continuing walking.

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