they won

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I looked at the sky, chills running through my body, along with the rain. I was with the whole town; we were keeping each other wrong. "She has won." My dad whispered. "We're going to lose dramatically ." And right then, I was proud. My father had never understood my capability, what I could do , and now he does. He just doesn't know it's me. 

"About time." I whispered, the pattering of the rain drowning my words in silence, so only my dad heard."What, Dear?""Did you know that if you treat your daughter cruelly, you only teach her to be more cruel?" I looked at his astonished face. I set the mask on my face, and he looked into my eyes; he recognized me, I could see it. The trembling in his lips, the fear in his eyes, we had met many times, but I wasn't his daughter then, I was a wicked person. I grabbed my gun out of my jacket pocket and cocked it, which my dad responded by telling everyone to get down. I walked to the center of our town, the large canopy protecting me from the rain. 

"It always rains when something bad happens; but now, it's something good." I yelled at the town. "Dears, I have someone here that I want. Janeen Winter." My mother. She was the only one who cared for me. She trembled up here, my baby brother in her arms. The rain coated her face, and I could barely recognize her. "Where is your daughter?" I asked, my dad shaking his head, which I saw through the corner of my eye."I-I don't know, but please don't hurt me! I beg you." Her tears blended in with the rain, but I lifted her head with my hand

."Don't worry, but I know where your daughter is." Her face perked up. I slid my mask ever so slightly, so only Mother could see it; and she cried more. My arms wrapped around her, and she hated me, but I expected that."Listen up!" I yelled to the quiet civilians. "You have lost and you know you have. So, if David Winter could kindly walk up here, that would be wonderful." The minute he stood up, a fire rang around us. Screams followed my dad's fall. "You all have wronged me. If you believe me, do stand up." Four people stood up; my mother stayed standing, grandpa stood, the cashier at the nearby store stood, and so did a stranger. 

I guess I was wrong; I didn't know everyone, and my mother stood: two things that surprised me."Wh-what?-""I didn't raise you to be a sweet, caring, girl." Liar came to mind"I never got to know you better." Deserter came to mind."I-I never helped you feel better about yourself." Body shamer came to mind."I never gave you a second chance." Stranger. He never had a name; I never actually knew him. But, I heard his gun cock, and the last thing that came to mind was:I wasn't the villain. I never murdered anyone, I never actually did anything criminal. He did

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