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They say that lots of things can break. Bones, dishes, rocks, sculptures, vases, time, the list goes on.

But what they don't tell you is that when you break something and you put it together, sometimes you can see the cracks that formed from the break.

When I was seven, I accidentally tripped and fell into an expensive white vase patterned with pale pink roses. The vase shattered into hundreds of pieces and cut my skin open. Luckily, Father wasn't home, so me and several servants helped fix the vase and bandage me up good as new.

Two weeks later, Father beat me so hard I broke a few bones.

Why? Because he'd seen the cracks in the vase. Hairline cracks, but cracks all the same.

The bones healed fine, but I knew something else was broken.

My heart.

The one thing that once it breaks, once it shatters, doesn't fit quite right when put back together, so the cracks it leaves aren't little hairline fractures so easily missed by the naked eye.

They are thick and jagged, like knives.

She once told me that sometimes, when a broken vase is put back together, the craftsmen use melted gold to bond the jagged edges together. As a result, it creates something more beautiful.

If my heart was a broken vase, mine was not mended by gold.

Mine was shoved back together so roughly, blood still drips from the cracks. As a result, my jagged edges are more vicious. They glisten like rubies, but they aren't beautiful.

So I paint over them. A smile here, an "I'm fine" there. Just to hide the bloody cracks. No one must see that underneath the prim and properly painted prince is a child whose heart cannot be repaired by even the finest gold.

They want to help me. King Lagravis wants to help me. But where would they start? How could they begin to understand? How can they help me pick up the pieces when even I'm not sure where to start? What would they say that doesn't sound cliché and rehearsed? How do you heal someone who's so broken, their hearts can't tell them who they are anymore? What could they do to even begin to ease my grief, to heal my broken heart?

What could I do?

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