Chapter 4: Dangerous to Dream

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Laval smoothed out the folds of his ceremonial tunic and cloak, marveling slightly at the silky royal blue fabric and golden embellishments. He fiddle with his harness epaulets before staring at his reflection in the mirror, sucking in a breath. When had he ever looked so handsome?

He could almost hear Lion-O's praise. "Looking good, Laval! You trying to catch someone's eye?"

The answer was no -- he was dressed like this for one reason.

Ordinarily, these robes were worn by Lion Kings on the day of their coronation. The heavier gold details and the lighter blue gems represented the royal court and their duties to uphold and to protect the Chi at all cost -- a duty taken very seriously.

Laval was not being crowned king today -- but he would be crowned officially as Crown Prince of the Lions. Today, he would take up his duties as Crown Prince formally to all the Lions. After today, he would be an official prince and not a prince in name.

Despite Laval's reservations, his father wanted to make it something special, hence the formal robes and ceremony.

But no formal robes could hide......things.

Cautiously, Laval rolled up one sleeve, grimacing at the lines that crossed his wrists, still an angry shade of pink from two nights ago. He sighed as he lowered the sleeve.

What prince had to leave marks on his body to keep him in reality?


The redhead turned to the door. Longtooth was waiting, a soft smile on his muzzle. "It's time."

"Okay," Laval answered after a brief pause. As Longtooth left, Laval took a moment to compose himself.

'Pull inside, close the walls, guards up. You've practiced for this.'

But why did it still feel so hard?


The throne room was far more crowded than it usually was. Every Lion stood inside, watching with baited breath as Lothar recited the duties and responsibilities required of a Lion Prince. Laval stood before the Lion Elder, eyes fixated ahead. They did deviate just for a moment, if only to keep himself grounded.

To Laval's left, Cragger and Eris stood with gentle smiles. Technically, other tribes weren't allowed to be here (or if they came, they'd have to wait outside), but they had grown very close to Laval and so the Lions agreed to bend their rules to allow for more motivational support for Laval.

To Laval's right, the Lion King and Lavertus stood watching, pride in their eyes. Lo-Katar and Longtooth flanked them, equal joy in their eyes. Beside them, Helena and Scomper had come back to watch their dear friend officially be welcomed home.

"We wouldn't have missed this for the world, Laval!"

The only one not present was Lion-O, his dear brother-figure. Laval's heart twisted at the thought of not sharing this special day with him.

But maybe that was for the best. Lion-O had duties now, too. There wouldn't be any more sunny days with him any more, unburdened by trials.

Just like he wouldn't have any more sunny days with Her.....

Laval's heart violently seized and he stifled the sob, though it screamed in his mind.

How he longed to tell everyone, tell his father, his uncle, Lion-O, Helena, Scomper, anyone the truth. Who really lurked behind the doors of Laval's heart and mind. Why he was so secretive, so stubborn, so determined to play a role that taxed him so severely. What all his pantomimes and pageantries were for.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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