Chapter 3: A Father's Eyes

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Laval was quiet.

Well, more so than usual.

Lagravis snuck a glance at his son, noticing how rigid he stood beside the Lion King. Granted, he did have good posture, but he'd get too stiff if he stayed like that.

"Loosen up. You're not on display," he chided lightly. The king's smile brightened. "Trust me, you stiffen up now, you won't be so loose in a few years." He playfully bumped Laval's shoulder, a rare expression.

What he didn't expect was for Laval to flinch with a violent yelp, stumbling a few paces away, fur on all ends.

Protective parent instincts kicked in as Lagravis took a step forward. "Laval, are you--"

"Don't! Don't! I didn't mean it! I'm sorry!" Laval screeched, backing up even further until he was backed up against one of the pillars. "I'm sorry!" He slid to the floor, arms shielding his head and knees pulled up close. Then his voice quieted to a bare whisper, golden-amber eyes glimmering. " more....I can't...."

"Can't what?" Lagravis probed gently, kneeling to Laval's height. He reached out again, only for Laval to flinch. Almost as if he expected a blow.....

Understanding rippled through Lagravis as he regretfully drew back his hand. "I see. I'm sorry, Laval."

He could see the confusion in his son's eyes. "W-What?" He asked, uncurling slightly.

"I said, "I'm sorry". I didn't realize that would startle you," Lagravis explained.

Like a flower reaching for the sun, Laval slowly uncurled and straightened. "You shouldn't have to be sorry. It's my fault. Always has been." With that, Laval sauntered back to his spot on the throne room floor and assumed his stiff position.

Lagravis felt his heart twist. "Laval, my son, I understand that you think so. But you were not out of line."

Laval's next comment came sharp. "Was I ever in a line?"

Lagravis crossed the distance between them and gently took Laval's hand, cradling it between his own. He traced those delicate fingers, the smooth skin, the fuzzy grooves where his claws were.

"Always," the Lion King finally whispered.

Golden-amber eyes blinked into golden eyes, softening and sparkling, as if light had finally appeared in the darkness. A small smile tugged at Laval's lips, a child-like one full of wonder and pleasure.

"Always," Laval murmured. Lagravis smiled as he slipped on arm over Laval's shoulders. The young Lion Prince stiffened momentarily, but then he smiled. "Can you keep doing that?"

"Are you okay with this?" Lagravis asked, surprised at his son's acceptance of the awkward half-embrace. He'd already moved to pull away, but had frozen at Laval's voice.

"It feels nice." Laval rested his head on his father's shoulder, a contented smile blooming where a stern grimace had once been.

Lagravis smiled, squeezing Laval's hand. His mind ran through all the promises he'd made Laval since he'd held Laval for the first time.

He'd give him all the love a father could possess and more. He'd be there for whatever and whenever his son needed him. He would be the one who helped his son heal from any hurt. He would be the light in his son's darkness.

Laval's breathing evened out a bit, as if he was finally calm. Or, as if he could fall asleep.

"Were you up late studying again?" The Lion King asked teasingly.

Laval tried to stifle the yawn. "No, not too late."

Lagravis chuckled. "So you say."

Laval yawned again. "Okay, so I was up a little late. But I was studying." He yawned, eyelids fluttering adorably.

Lagravis ruffled the fur on Laval's shoulder. "Why don't you go take a nap? I'll wake you for dinner."

"Are you sure?" Laval's golden-amber eyes widened. "I-Is that okay?"

"Of course," Lagravis answered. "I care about your health, my son." 'Physically and mentally.'

Laval twitched nervously. "S-Sorry, I'm still getting used to that." He straightened up, a flower pushing through the ground.

"How are you feeling, by the way?" Lagravis asked.

"About the same since you asked yesterday." Laval shrugged, then pointed at himself. "I'm fine. I don't have any new bruises or scars and the ones I already had are healing." His smile was pained, not quite reaching his eyes, as if Laval was trying to convince himself more than he was trying to convince Lagravis. "I'm fine, Dad. I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Lagravis asked. He might not have had Laval in his life for very long, but he was remarkably adept when reading his son's behavior. It also didn't help that Laval could be read like an open book.

"Sure," Laval answered. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." He put on his brightest smile. "I have to be." He took a hurried glance around the throne room, as if expecting Leonitarus to come out of the shadows. With his check confirmed, he relaxed but only a hair.

Lagravis shook his head. 'Oh, my son. Lower your guards and open your doors. Can't you see what I see? Stop acting as though I'm laying siege to your heart. I'm not.'

He watched Laval bow as Longtooth the Lion Elders came in, as if practicing for his coronation next week. Longtooth and a few of the elders smiled at the young prince, as if they understood, but others whispered and as if he heard them, Laval's face fell.

Protective parent mode kicked on, but before Lagravis could say a word, Longtooth spoke up. "I heard that and you ought to be ashamed of yourselves for that comment." The whisperers blushed a deep crimson before they took up their positions around the Sacred Pool. Longtooth sent Laval a wink before heading to his post.

'See, my son? No one is against you. No one here will drive you out. No one will hurt you. So lower your defenses. You are wanted here. Very wanted.' He stepped closer to Laval, not missing the surprised grin. The king matched it as Laval stepped under Lagravis' arm, letting it drape around his shoulders like a shield.

'Especially by me. I refuse to treat you as he did. I will love and protect you with every breath I take. I will not leave you or drive you out. You are more precious to me than anything, and I swear by Cavora that I will do all in my power to care for and to protect you. I have opened my heart wide to you and I know that one day, you'll let me into yours.'

His grip tightened just a bit more snugly, Laval humming in response.

'But I'm willing to wait, however long it takes, for you, my son. And rest assured, when you're ready, I will hear every word. This is my promise to you, Laval. You will always be loved. Always.'

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