Chapter 215

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"I'm moving in," Harri said to Adriana when she saw the jacuzzi in Wayne Manor. "And I'm not even joking. Seriously."

"Of course," Adriana laughed. "We have plenty of space."

"You think I'm joking but seriously," Harri said. "You and Bruce could adopt me and Antonio if you'd like."

"Would you like that, Arsenio?" Adriana asked Arsenio. "Your auntie and uncle moving in?"

Arsenio nodded with a smile.

"Yayyy," Harri laughed and kissed Arsenio's cheek.

Adriana spent the whole day with her parents, Arsenio, Harri and her husband Antonio. Bruce also joined them for a few hours before returning back to work that evening. 

That night, Adriana her mother and sister spent a long time in the jacuzzi talking before their mother went to bed. Afterwards, Adriana and Harri went into the sauna.

"I'll trim your bangs," Harri offered to Adriana spontaneously as they sat in the heat.

"I just had them cut a couple weeks ago," Adriana laughed.

"Well, they must be growing out fast," Harri said.

"Probably," Adriana guessed.

"I'm so glad you're out of that neck brace," Harri said. "I hated seeing you in that thing."

"You told me I looked great in it," Adriana laughed.

"Well of course I had to say that," Harri said. "But really it made me angry seeing you in it."

"And it's all over now," Adriana said and reached forward to pat Harri's knee.

"Yes," Harri sighed. "I've got to get one of these things."

"A sauna?" Adriana asked.

"Yes," Harri said.  "I'll tell Antonio it's what I want for Christmas. Maybe we can have one built in the garage."

"Mmm..." Adriana hummed and closed her eyes.

"I'm excited for the party," Harri said. "I haven't been to any fancy dinner parties since...can't remember."

"I'm glad you're excited," Adriana said. "That Wayne Manor is finally entertaining."

"Aren't you?" Harri asked. "We all get to thank the guy that saved you. I'm really happy we get to meet him."

Adriana felt nervous. They would all be meeting the Joker. A party of this type, especially after all he had been through , was more or less an experiment. He would be breaking bread with the man who held him underground for over a year.

Adriana had already seen the Joker and told him how to behave. Not to laugh, not to make inappropriate jokes, not to look directly at anyone of they were speaking about Arsenio to prevent anyone from making the connection that the two looked alike. But still, it was a delicate situation and she hoped everything would go well.

"Yeah," Adriana finally answered.

"So, tell me about him?" Harri asked.

"About..the guy?" Adriana asked. "Mr. Hayden?"

"Sure," Harri said.

"Oh..well..." Adriana said. "I guess I don't know much about him. He brought me to the hospital I'm told. I think I remember what he looks like...vaguely. I forget most of what happened though."

"Okay," Harri said. "Well he's a hero and we all can't wait to thank him properly."

Adriana nodded.

Divination Part 2 (Joker x Batman x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora