Chapter 257

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"You're still here?" Harri asked the Joker.

"Yes," he answered. He met her in the hallway when he heard someone coming. They were standing outside of Arsenio's room, and it was well after his bedtime.

"Oh," Harri said. "Did Adriana go out? You don't have to stay. I'll look after Arsenio and I'm pretty sure Alfred is here."

"I'll stay," he said to her. "If you don't mind."

"Of course not," Harri shrugged.

The Joker nodded once. "Well. Goodnight."

"Goodnight," Harri said and started to walk back to her room.

The Joker turned to walk back into Arsenio's room.

"Hey, Jack," Harri said, stopping him.

"Yes?" he asked her.

Harri walked back over to him.

"Do you have a minute?" she asked.

He glanced at Arsenio's door and then went to close it before walking back over to her.

"Yes," he said.

 "Lucius called me earlier. He said that he knew that I had some questions about you and that he would be answering them tomorrow," she said.

"I'm aware of that," the Joker told her. "He let me know."

Harri nodded a few times.

"Look," she said. "I know I can be a little...overly..."

"Inquisitive," the Joker said.

"Well, yes," Harri said. "You know...growing up, sometimes I envied my sister. Knowing everything. Knowing what everyone was thinking.  She knew everything about me. I had no secrets with her, ever. Not that I ever had much to hide. I would tell her everything anyway. Things she already knew."

The Joker looked at her, listening attentively.

"People thought she had autism or something for a while, when we were kids," Harri said. "It took her a while to learn to ask questions, when she already knew the answers. She had to learn to have a normal conversation and it took her a long time."

"I see," the Joker said.

"Anyways," Harri said. "I know it was a long time ago, but for the longest was just us. Super and my sis. I guess I've never gotten used to her having friends of her own and having her own life, I guess. I can pry a lot, because I just want to know everything. She used to tell me everything. It's just so strange she never told me certain things. Especially about the person she had a child with. She always said she never wanted kids. I'm just curious about you. So, I am sorry."

"No need to apologize," the Joker told her. "I'm aware that she's told you a few things about me, which would only lead to more questions."

"Yes," Harri said. "But look..."

Harri sighed.

"I really don't see why Lucius has to be the one to tell me about you," Harri said. "Clearly there's something you or Adriana don't feel comfortable telling me yourselves. I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable, Jack."

"Well," the Joker said. "It's not my comfort that I am concerned with."

Harri tilted her head.

"So, you're concerned with mine?" Harri asked. "Jack...whatever it is, I can handle it."

"I'm sure you can," the Joker said. "But it cannot be me who tells you."

"Will you at least tell me why not?" Harri asked. "I can certainly handle the answer to that."

Divination Part 2 (Joker x Batman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now