001. Knock knock

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I KNOCKED ON GWEN'S DOOR. I was carrying a bag of my weapons. I've seen too many ghost hunting shows. Plus Buzzfeed Unsolved.  I'm prepared for anything ghosts can dish out. "Miles? I didn't think you'd be here early. Usually your late." the sound of Gwen's voice knocked me out of my thoughts. "Oh. Well- yeah- sorry?" I stammered. She opened the door wider and I stepped through. "Whats with all the weapons?" Gwen eyed my bag curiously. "Oh! Right.. I'm a ghost hunter." I said. Gwen sat down on her couch. "I'm a cat. Want some apple cider?" Gwen smiled at me. "Sure." I said, and she tossed a apple cider at me. I caught it with my quick spider reflexes. Oh right, I forgot to add. I'm kind of.. Spider-Man. Well, kinda. Peter's actually Spider-Man. I'm kid arachnid. Gwen is Ghost spider. I heard the doorbell ring. "I'll get it." Gwen said and stood up, walking over and opening the door. "Harry, come in! Oh... hi Peter." Gwen said happily to Harry and then awkwardly to Peter. They both came in. Harry was a cat too. They did this every year. Matching costumes. Luckily for me, Peter wore a ghost hunter costume! Just like me. I heard a knock from the door. "Gwen, I'll answer it." I said and stood up and opened the door. It was Mary. Mary Jane Watson.

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