006. Bon appetite

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I STEPPED NEAR THE SOUND OF HARRY'S MOTHER'S VOICE. "Hello?" I said, quietly hoping to get a reply from her. Maybe this is all a weird prank. But where are the secret cameras? Where's the What Would You Do crew? "Miles, I don't think she's here..." Harry whispered to me. I heard another scream. This time it sounded like.. mamà! I had a bad feeling about this in the pit of my stomach. I turned around. Where was Gwen and Peter? All I saw was Mary and Harry. Alone. With me. Great. I get Flash Thompson 2.0 as my companion for this trip. Thanks a lot guys. "Cmon, the quicker we find where this voice is coming from the quicker we can get out of this hell hole." I cursed quietly, and turned on my flashlight and started running down another long staircase. They followed after. Mary applied some lipgloss. I stared at her. "What? Just incase! I wanna look cute for any Edward Cullens if we find any vampires okay?" She grinned. I rolled my eyes. "Just keep up!" I said, and continue to run to wherever the voice was coming from. Hopefully wherever Gwen and Peter are, it's a lot more fun.
Hours passed. "Miles? I'm starving." Mary began to whine. "I think the kitchen is right there." I said and walked into the kitchen. Five bowls of soup was on a counter. There was a little note that read: Bon Appetite. "Wow, soup!" Mary licked her lips. "Hang on! What if it's poison? Haven't you seen any movies?" I snapped at her. She looked upset at what I said. My eyes softened. "Sorry.." I murmured quietly. "I'm sure it's not.." Mary used the spoon to taste the soup. She then fainted suddenly. Harry didn't even look surprised. Or concerned. "I'm sure she'll be fine.." Harry said. I felt her pulse. It wasn't slowing down. That's good. Suddenly I heard a loud bang, and I was on the floor. I couldn't move. A figure caught Mary's body and dragged her away. "MARY!!" Me and Harry yelled. Maybe that was the person's plan. Have us all eat the soups, and then get dragged away to our deaths. I was so scared.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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