003. Trick or treat

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I WAS SO EXCITED. Hello, my name is Peter Parker. I was bitten by a radioactive spider and became Spider-Man a few years ago. I was waiting for this day to come all year. It's Halloween night. Im a ghost hunter. Just like my friend Miles. "Cmon guys." I said, as we walked down the street. "Where should we go first?" Miles nodded. Harry smirked. "Hmm.. have you guys heard the legend?" I didn't know how Harry suddenly got confidence. He was so scared earlier. "The legend of what, Osborn?" Gwen asked quietly. "The legend of miss Lucy's house. Obviously you must know!" Harry said, like it was a obvious thing. I blinked. Oh right. I knew exactly what he was talking about. A few months ago me and mr. Stark were talking about the legend. Apparently, the house had lots of tech mr. Stark wanted to go and get. I hadn't seen him since though. "Ugh, I'll tell you guys." Harry crossed his arms. "There once was a old house that lived on a specific street with the letter 'B' a young vampire lived there with her family.. until they disappeared and placed a curse on the house.." Harry told us the legend, using his flashlight as a spotlight. "Vampires?" I heard a snarky voice. Harry turned around. Flash Thompson was here. He was the biggest bully in the school. He was very popular. "Mary, why must you hang out with these puny losers? You too, Gwendolyn! I don't think your daddy would appreciate it." He smirked. Gwen rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry, what was that? I don't speak poor." Gwen snapped back. Flash went pink. "I'm not poor! I-" Flash started but got cut off. "I'm sure your not." Mary giggled. Flash rolled his eyes. "Fine. Whatever. Peace out, losers!" Flash scowled and left. Miles burst into laughter. "That was so funny! Did you see his face? He looked so pink!" Miles laughed. "So about the legend. Do you guys wanna go see if it's real?" Harry grinned like the Cheshire cat. "Fine, Harry. Hopefully there's candy there." Gwen sighed.

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