Comforting At Home

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Their picnic had ended and Bokuto looked at his husband letting Kuroo take the twins for the night while Bokuto could treat his husband, comforting him after hearing Akaashi's dream "Keiji, it was all a big bad dream, i'm alive and kicking, I told you that I would live for 130 years, im never going to leave you Keiji, your my reason for living, you gave me a wonderful family, your my beautiful wife, a talented editor and setter, your my big bright star, you saw me at my best and at my worst, you know how to bring my spirits up and how to comfort me, there wouldnt be a single thing that would take me away from you Keiji, I'd take a bullet for you and still survive knowing i protected the one thing that lights up my entire life, your my absolute world Keiji Bokuto and I wouldnt have it any other way." Bokuto softley said with his hands on either side of Akaashi's plush cheeks "Kōtarō." Akaashi sniffed and peppered the salt and pepper haired man with kisses before the taller male scooped up the beautiful ravenette and bridal styled carried the bottom to the bedroom, stripping Akaashi of his clothes and into comfy pyjamas, makeing sure that their bed had comfy fluffy blankets on the bed, Bokuto lit some calming candels before ordering from their favorite restaurant and putting on their favorite films, Bokuto also texted Konoha to go to the shop to get the items on a list he sent before gling downstairs to make Akaashi a warm cup of hot chocolate,

With Akaashi in a warm, cozy and relaxing bed with the heating on at the right tempiture, the snacks gotten along with the food and the perfect mood, Bokuto brought the food and snacks up to their bedroom, laying them out onto his bedside table, stripping down to his boxer briefs and climbing into bed, pulling Akaashi into his lap so that the ravenette could feel the broad, chisled hard chest against his back before Bokuto pulled out the fold out bed table and placed their food on it "This is all about you Keiji, my beautiful Starlight." Bokuto softley said wrapping his arms around Akaashi's waist and fed the male while they watched their favorite movies

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