Chapter 1: SakuraKiss

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Chapter 1:

You waited at the luggage conveyer with hesitation in your heart. Travelling all the way to Tokyo, Japan on a whim like this was... bananas. I mean, you've never EVER been to another country before... You were awarded a scholarship on good behaviour and outstanding grades, and totally not because you blackmailed Mr Masterson, the principal, so a trip to japan it was.

Still... it's a big move. You were going to be here for a whole month! You didnt even speak japanese, or at least, you didn't know a lot of it. Oh... if only your friend Alice was here to save the day, them being fluent in japanese and all.

Your train of thought was broken when you heard a thud from the luggage belt. Coincidentally the suitcase that made that noise was your own. It had fallen as was now clogging up the belt. Oh fuck. You blushed heavily, feeling embarassed that everyone was looking at your twilight suitcase, so they quickly retrieved it from the luggage zone and stepped away...
Now what?

"Um ello, are you my host buddy?" Came a boyish voice from behind you.
"H-huh?!" You practically squeaked. You were not expecting a British voice in Japan, so you thought you'd might be in trouble. You spun around on your heel to see...


TOMMYINNIT in Japan? What?

"Wot?" Asked Tommy as you stared at him, wide eyed.

"Oh uhhh sorry, I'm here waiting for my host family... totally didn't expect to see you here! wait... How do you know me?!"

"Oh! Well I am your host. Sorry to startle you..." he said with a cute smile as he rubbed the back of his head.
"N-no it's fine." You stammered apologetically. You wanted to say something cliche and bow, but because Tommy isn't Japanese you had thought it might've been cringey, so you awkwardly smiled instead.

"So, you got your luggage, yeah? How bout we get out of here and get to know each other." He offered.

You smiled.
"Yes, that would be wonderful."
Tommyinnit took your twilight suitcase for you, like such a gentlemen as you followed him out of the Narita airport and towards his white, box shaped car.

It was springtime in Japan, and the sky was a beautiful promising blue, the sun shining on Narita, a city full of endless opportunities and experiences. Your eyes shone in the sparkling light, full of determination. This month was going to be the best month of your entire life, full of moments you'll never forget.

"You ready?" Tommy asked, as he packed your suitcase into his trunk.

You nodded, opening the car door. Perhaps it was because you were too excited, or too distracted, or (and most likely) a mixture of both, you swung the car door into the car beside it with a sharp clink. Oh fuck.

Oh fuck.

Tommy looked straight at you with dead eyes. You gulped. His stare was piercing.

He completely adjusted his composure and relaxed his shoulders before giving a sheepish smile. "No worries sweetie."

You let out your stunted breath with a hidden sigh, as you cautiously moved the door away from the other car. There was a large dint. For a moment you thought you saw Tommy's eyes go cold, but instead he said,
"Let's just leave, eh? What they don't know won't kill us."

Principle of Nature| dream x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora