Was It Better To Be The One Who Surived, Or The One Who Died? ; Chapter 3

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Ruby eyes stared at the bare ceiling, watching as dust difted without a destination planned. It was dark, considering the light hadn't been turned on in quiet some time.

The room was quiet, only the soft sound of breathing and the light clanker on movement downstairs. Limps were spead out on the bed like a starfish, stiff and unmoving.

Footsteps sounded outside of the bedroom door, causing the ruby eyes to travel downwards towards it.

A knock, then a pause. No answer was given, and so another knock. Again no answer was given, and with that the door cracked over revealing a man with a worried look plastered across his face.

"Katsuki, Are you hungry?" He asked, looking over at his son with a sad glint in his hazel brown eyes. Katsuki stared at his father for a moment, before rolling onto his side, facing away from him.

"No, go away old man" He replied, his tone cold, angry even. As if the question had caused him irritation. His father sighed, gripping the door knob tighter "Are you sure Katsuki?"

"Yes! I said go away." Katsuki repeated, his tone now holding a sharper edge to it, like a blade about to pierce the flesh of its target. His father looked down at the carpeted floor.

"Alright, come down when your ready." His tone was soft and sympathic, he hesitated for a moment before shutting to door and returning back downstairs.

He click his tongue in annoyance, rolling onto his back to gaze at the ceiling once again. But he couldn't relax, not that he could before, but now his body inched with the need of movement.

He pushed himself to sit up with a annoyed groan, A soft glare caught his attention from the corner of his eye, and Katsuki turned to look at it. Even if he already knew what it was from, but it didn't stop the noticeable pang he felt in his chest.

Night light from his window shone off the glass of a picture frame, blurring out the faces of the two in the image. His arms tensed, but nevertheless reached out and grabbed hold of the picture.

He threw his legs over the side of his bed –His feet hitting the ground with a light thud–, pulling the picture infront of himself. The faces in the image could be seen now, and he grit his teeth.

Two young boys, around the age of 4, stood together. Hand in hand. The one of the right side of the photo held up a net. In the net, a small koi fish was trapped. A smirk plastered on his face, his spiky ash blond hair dropping down, drenched –as were his clothes–. His eyes were shut, matching his smirk perfectly. One the left side on the image, the boy wasn't holding a net like the other, but was still equally drenched. Large, doe emerald eyes opened, a childish smile on his face. Forest green hair that normally stuck out in all directions naturally, lay flat dew to the water.

Katsuki gripping the frame, a shadow falling over his eyes. He remembered the day they took that damn photo, they had just got koi fish catching. Both of them had fallen over more times then he could count at the time, but in the end they were able to catch a small one. After they had taken the picture, they immediately let the Koi fish go, but he kept this photo like a sort of thropy since they couldn't keep the koi fish.

Damnit, why did he feel so fucking upset? It wasn't Katsuki's fault for what happened. It was his own stuipd fault.

"Stuipd Deku.." He muttered, his grip on the frame tightening further. His cheeks suddenly felt wet, and a few drops of water dripped down onto the glass on the photo. It was then he noticed he was crying. He took one hand on the frame to quickly wipe the tears away.

"Dammit..dammit, stop crying Dammit!" He choked out, resting the photo on his bed besides him. He narrowed his eyes as the tears refused to stop. "Fuck! YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSE TO TAKE ME SERIOUSLY DAMMIT!" Katsuki shouted through his reluctant sobs.

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