Wizarding Sportball

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"So, Fred 1," one twin said to the other, "how goes our task?"

"Disappointingly slow, Fred 2. Getting past the dog, or 'cerberus', as it's officially called, was surprisingly easy once we knew the trick. Who would have thought that muggle myths held a semblance of the truth?"

"Indeed. The Devil's Snare was also surprisingly easy once we were no longer caught by surprise. Damn thing threw us back into the dog's lair the first time."

"The keys, though, have proven surprisingly tricky. Neither of us have seeker reflexes, and those keys are a right deal more ferocious than bludgers or snitches."

"So, what do you suggest, George 2?"

"I see two options, George 1. Either we find someone to help us..."

"Which would risk exposing someone else to our secret operation of getting into as much trouble as possible."

"Or we try and hone our seeker skills."

"We're rather regretting letting Bill and Charlie handle seeking duties every time, aren't we?"

"Indeed, brother. Well, better late than never; let's try and catch some practice snitches at our next opportunity."

As Harry and Hermione entered the Great Hall that morning, Harry's attention was immediately drawn to the different atmosphere in the room.

"What's going on?" He whispered to Hermione. "Why is everything in here so... tense?"

Hermione shrugged. "I'm just as out of the loop as you are, you know."

"Right. Given how you act in class, it's easy to forget you actually don't know everything."

"Prat." She muttered as she began loading her plate up with waffles and strawberries.

As Harry munched on his sausages, his eyes surveyed the room. Most of the room's tense atmosphere seemed to be focused on the Gryffindor and Slytherin tables, and a few of them were in a uniform, despite the fact that it was the weekend. Though it didn't look like a standard uniform, either, which just raised more questions.

"There you are!" Tracey's energetic voice all but shouted. "I can't believe you two left without us! What kind of friends are you!?"

Harry raised an eyebrow. "The kind who were roped into a friendship against their will?"

"Details, details. So, are you guys excited for today?"

"Yeah, what is going on, anyways? I can tell that people are very tense, but neither Hermione nor I know what's going on."

"Wow, you guys really are out of the loop. You see, today is the day of the greatest realisation of the schools ridiculous inter-house rivalry: the Gryffindor – Slytherin Quidditch game!"

"What's Quidditch?" Hermione asked.

Tracey looked gobsmacked. "Neither of you know what Quidditch is?"

"Uh, Ron tried to explain it to me on the Hogwarts Express, but I honestly found his explanation pretty hard to follow. I know that there are several different roles and that it's played on brooms, but he went on too many tangents for me to honestly follow the rest of what he was saying." Harry explained.

"He's not a very coherent person." Hermione mumbled under her breath.

Harry jabbed her with his elbow. "Play nice!" He hissed.

"Alright!" Tracey said. "Here's how it works!"

One extremely convoluted explanation later, Harry spoke up. "Well, that was slightly more comprehensible than Ron's explanation."

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