Tracey Performs a Heist

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Tracey was feeling absolutely amazing. She had three friends, the chance to spread unbridled mayhem, and the opportunity to steal the Philosopher's Stone from under the noses of the teachers. What more could a twelve-year-old girl want?

The perfect chance to go after the stone was almost upon her, too. Today had presented her with the perfect opportunity, and all she had to do was grab it. But first, she had to let her co-conspirators in on the plan.

They were (predictably) in the library, even though exams were over. Daphne was reading a book on finance (boring), Hermione was reading Hogwarts, A History (again), and Harry was reading a book on blood magic the he was keeping concealed with the dust jacket from Hogwarts, A History.

"How's it going, Harry?" She asked, sliding onto the bench next to him.

"Not great." He answered quietly. "Most blood magic is based on more advanced spells than those taught to us in first year. I think I'm going to need to know some more advanced spells to expand my blood magic repertoire beyond the Lumos and Incendio charms."

Tracey peeked over at the book. "What about that one?" She said, pointing at one of the spells on the list. "The banishing charm. That one's pretty basic, isn't it?"

"It is, but it's still not taught until second year."

"So? Neither are bluebell flames, and Hermione's already learned those."

Harry gave a noncommittal hum. "I suppose I haven't been as good about studying ahead as she has. I guess I really should be, though, since blood magic is principally based on regular magic."

"Sounds like a plan." Tracey replied. "Just focus on learning the ones that you know can be turned into a blood spell without blowing up."

Harry winced. "Yeah, blowing up would be... bad."

"So guys," Tracey said, addressing the group, "do you know what today is?"

"The twenty-first of June." Hermione said without looking up from her book. "And the first day after exams

"The summer solstice." Daphne added. "The day when the light energies of the world are strongest."

"Sure, all of that mumbo jumbo," Tracey said dismissively, "but the important thing is that it's the solstice. Do you know what happens on the solstice?"

"A large number of people will perform illegal ceremonial rituals that were banned by the ministry for no good reason." Daphne replied with a hint of bitterness in her voice.

"No!" Tracey bit back, frustration leaking into her voice. "The important thing that happens today!"

Daphne thought it over for a minute before ressponsing. "I don't think that Florean Fortescue offering a solstice discount on his ice cream is an important event, but I know you disagree."

"Hey, discount ice cream is totally important!" Tracey said defensively. "I wish we weren't struck in Hogwarts so we could go get some... But no! The important thing I'm talking about is that today is the summer solstice, and is thus one of the few days where the Wizengamot has a scheduled meeting."

Everyone stared at her blankly. Honestly, didn't they get it?

Tracey let out a long sigh. "Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of our school, is also the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot. As such, he is going to be indisposed for the entire day and possibly most of the night. Those meetings go on for hours, and as such, we'll have our prime opportunity to steal the Philosopher's Stone once the Wizengamot session is underway."

They clearly weren't as excited by the news as she was. Hermione looked downright skeptical.

"Tracey... Are you sure this is a good idea?" Hermione asked slowly.

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