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You told me you hate it when people starts to watch a movie but they ended up falling asleep. You might not feel sleepy while watching but whenever we go somewhere, I just find your eyes closed.

Your head resting on my shoulder, sometimes on my chest and on my lap. Your lids flutter as you dream, your lashes becomes wet as you cry and wake to a nightmare.

I always tell you that everything will be okay. Now, I'm wondering how you are. Did you washed your blankets so you could have warmth during winter? Did you closed your windows before dozing asleep? Did you ate your lunch?

I used to asked you about your dream, if it's me. But now I hope I'm not. I don't want to know that I, who was once a dream became a nightmare to you. I just want to know if you are having enough sleep. I hope you're resting. I hope you're comfortable.

Whenever I see you sleep. It feels like the world stops. Your soft snores is a sign of your hardwork during daytime. You're probably dreaming about your character. I remembered how you whispered names. I badly wanted to wake you up but I stopped myself. Then as you wake in the morning.

You told me about how good the plot in your dream was. It was one of the perfect story you could ever think of. The characters are flawed like the writer's imperfections. Maybe, readers love imperfect characters because it sounds realistic and of course it's lifelike because it's a real feeling.

Whenever you cry because of your frustrations and doubt as a writer, I hold your hand and you let the pen go for awhile.

You always tell me that you are actually not a good writer. That you don't have great stories to tell. But believe me, you are great. Writing is your passion. You pour your heart out in every book. You are very transparent. You let your readers see through you and that's what's make you great.

Because you are able to express your real identity behind the metaphors of your fictional paragraphs.

You describe how other people feel. You say the words they couldn't say. I hope you'll never doubt yourself again. If someone's supporting you or not, just continue doing what you love. And if ever you couldn't feel my support anymore. Just know that I'm here silently.

Your Suddenly (Your Duology #2)Where stories live. Discover now