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I love to be the first person you ate your meal with and the last person you will say goodnight. I love it when you chuckle in the middle of saying something.

You told me that you always remember my name in every things you see but I never told you that I remember you in every words I hear.

I am a photographer who loves to capture moments at the perfect timing.

But it's a different timing with you because you make my world stop. With just your glance every tangled pieces comes back to their respective places.

We were on our way to our first night trip when you talked about how you misses your dad. He used to drive you to school until sixth grade but after teaching you how to ride a bicycle, you ended up going alone every morning and afternoon after school.

You were in junior high when your schoolmates started to fall in love. That time, you are fully aware that your parents were not in good terms. So you ditched the prom and write your heart out. That was the first story you completed. It's not a story about falling in love but a story of falling out of love.

You asked yourself if you're the reason why your parents ended that way. And you wrote an alternative story where they love each other but happened to choose separate lives without the other.

It's similar to what we had. I thought I could give you the sparks and butterflies you only read about. You told me that I am your first love. I thought I could give you the sweet definition of what falling in love is.

It turns out I did the other.

On our way, I held your hand as you drive me crazy. Now, I'm on my way to fix my mess without you beside me.

Your Suddenly (Your Duology #2)Where stories live. Discover now