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When Leonors mom broke the news to her she could never have been more upset. She usually tried to stay on her parents best side but asking her to give up everything to keep an eye on Wilhelm was a step to far. She couldn't just leave and go to a new country because he messed up. Also, personally she had no issue with him being with Simon. She could understand why Kristina thought the video was inappropriate, but the fact that she went out of the way to make sure that Leonora could go to Hillerska just to keep them from seeing each other was a little obscure to her.

Wilhelm and Leonors families had been close friends for a very long time. It's important for the royal families of such close countries to stay friends and so allies. But Leonor and Wilhelm had never been close friends. They met each other occasionally that didn't mean that they knew who each other were. They both knew they kept secrets, that was just part of being a royal. Always putting up a wall, a fake persona to keep the family safe. Make everyone happy except yourself. YOU where never first when it came to royals. Leonora accepted that.

When they where kids she had hoped that Wilhelm could be her person. Someone she could confined in, tell the truth to. But the more they grew the more she realized that it would never be like that. They never talked unless they had to. To ask her to basically babysit him was not something she was looking forward to. But it was important to stay allies, both for the publicity it came with and for the resources, she knew that. It also wasn't up to her.

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Wilhelm was not okay. His mom had told him about how she had fixed the issue about him seeing Simon. How the bodyguards that was easy to sneak around would be replaced. He didn't want them to. He wanted it to be easy so that he could keep seeing Simon. There was so many things he wish he could have said, done before the time ran out. It felt like sand; slipping through his fingers. Now Leonor from Denmark was enrolling to Hillerska just to keep him from seeing Simon. To keep an eye on him. He hated it, he hated his mom, he hated so many things. Mostly his brother for leaving him.

He didn't remember much about the princess. She was usually leaned back. Never said anything, probably in fear of saying the wrong thing he assumed. She always felt fake to him. Like she was to scared to show herself to anyone. Maybe there was chance for a friendship in the past, but now if she was going to get in his way he was determined to make it hard for her. He was convinced that it was going to be worth it anyways, it meant that he could go back and talk to Simon. Everything would be worth it if that was the price.

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