Chapter 1

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Leonor never really liked airplanes. She don't like how cold it always gets. She really thought it was unnecessary for her to fly out to Sweden. But she was never in charge of anything and she knew it was no use arguing with her parents. She would never admit if anyone asked her, but she wasnervous to meat Wilhelm. It was such a long time ago they last saw each other. She wondered if he had grown taller.
She knows he won't be happy to see her. He has for all she knows been informed about why she's coming.

As the pilot speaks about different things she can't understand she can't help but worry about the new school. Will the people be nice to her? Will they treat her differently if they know who she is? Maybe she won't get any friends because of how she will have to hang around Wilhelm. She debates if it's a good idea to lie about who she is but settles in not to. They would probably figure it out anyways.

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As she was walking down towards where Wilhelm's family would pick her up she couldn't settle between wishing her own parents was there at least for a little bit or being happy they weren't. She doesn't know exactly where to go but from the instructions she got from the people earlier she should just wait where she is until they come and get her. They're probably just a bit late. The thought bugged her because the royal family is never late.

After what felt like forever to Leonor a black SUV pulled up with a following car. She picked on her fingers as the car proceeded to get closer. Her mom had always nagged on her to not chew on her lips or hit her nails because it looked "wrong"; so instead she picked on her fingers. She doesn't know what she should say when they approach her. She know that until she develop a plan she has to stay under cover. "Just act normal" She hoped she was looking more confident than she felt.

The first person to get out of the car was the driver. He stepped out in order to open the door for the people in the backseat. Leonor couldn't make out who it was, but sitting in the back seat was Wilhelm and the queen. Without Leonor there the queen so far don't want to let him out of her sight. "Oh Leonor, it's so greet to see you! You've grown into such a beautiful young royal." The queen was grabbing her by the shoulders going in for a hug. Leonor obviously had to hug her back, this was the queen after all. "I'm so happy you could make it and help us out." Leonor knows that she now has to fake a happy smile and a nice response no matter how much she hated being fake, it's honestly routine at this point. "It's absolutely no problem you highness." She answered with what she hoped was a heartwarming smile but she could be wrong. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Wilhelm. She for sure wasn't the only one that had grew. He had gotten so much taller since they last met. He gave her a pointed look and raised one of his eyebrows. They both knew she was faking. Nobody said anything.

As the backseat later is filled with young royals the mood couldn't be more awkward. Wilhelm wanted to make it clear that he doesn't want anything to do with the princess and Leonor wanted to make him understand that she was partly on the princes side. She just doesn't know how yet and he doesn't know why but he hoped that maybe, maybe she wouldn't be so bad. But there was no room for hope the prince knew that and Leonor couldn't talk in front of the queen, that would just end in the disaster. So instead both of them where incredibly quiet.

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They ended up straight at Hillerska. Leonor wasn't sure what exactly is going to happened. Her mom hadn't exactly "briefed" her in detail. It made her more self conscious. Maybe other people would keep an eye on both of them? No she had to keep high hopes.

The car came to a stop. Wilhelm hoped that the car seat could just swallow him whole. The last talks he had with Simon wasn't enough for him. The prince had never felt more alone. Simon had been his person and just like his luck nothing could ever go his way. Simon had been the person he would have called in the middle of the night when he felt as loneliest. The best part was that Simon always answered. He was the type of person to always be there no matter what, no matter how many times Wilhelm fucked up. But this time, this time is different Wilhelm knows that. He respected the fact that Simon needs space but he felt lonely he needs someone to talk too. He had so much pressure on himself, he wanted to make the people happy and his mom and Simon but at the same time, what about him? Why can't his mom just want him to be happy as well. Not send over some princess from Denmark.

He don't want to leave the car but he knows he can't stay. The people that lived on the school grounds was starting to roll in from break. He really don't want to face any of them. He feels as if he can't trust anyone anymore. The people he thought he could rely on had betrayed him. His mom, August, he actually feels as if everyone has betrayed him just that he don't know about it yet.

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Leonor don't feel as if she has packed a lot of stuff so it wouldn't be so har for just her and Wilhelm to carry it all to her room; that way they could have some alone time to talk. "We can take it from here if that's alright with you" she said with a soft smile. "Oh no I insist on accompanying you to your room" her highness smiled back at her. Leonor was wondering if her smile was looking as fake as the queens. She just nodded back. Wilhelm rolled his eyes, he just wants to get rid of his mom so he could be alone in his misery.

The room looked okay. Not to much, not to little. It had a bed, a desk, a closet and some filling stuff but it also had space to fill it with.

Kristina turned to the two body guards, "could we have a moment please?" She said it as a question but both Leonor and Wilhelm knew it wasn't. "So Leonor I just wanted to make sure you know what your really here for." She glanced over at Wilhelm who was clearly unpleased with the conversation they were having. She nodded "not in detail but I know you want me to make sure he doesn't make anything...." She thought about the right thing to say. "Without thinking it trough." She thought it sounded fine, not to bad towards the prince but also set it clear that she understood. "Exactly, we don't need any more bad publicity and of course none of that boy." She said it casually with a pointed look. Wilhelm rolled his eyes once again.

After Kristina had hugged them both goodbye, Wilhelm protesting a bit more than the other, she left. They teenagers stood in silence for a bit. Just as Leonor opens her mouth Wilhelm talked; " look I never asked for your help with anything and I certainly don't need a babysitter my mother sent. If you think for a second I will listen or make it easy for you think again." Leonor didn't know how to response at first. She thought it was a bit rude and non-strategic if him. Shouldn't he try to get on her good side so she would let her guard down? "Well obviously, I wasn't planing in babysitting you anyway—"

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