Chapter 2

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"--Look we just have to be smart about this." Leonor knew it wasn't going to be easy; keeping Wilhelm from seeing Simon immediately was a hard task upfront. "You can't just go right back to him in front of everyone. People will know, ask questions." The prince gave her a pointed look back. He hadn't seen Simon in what felt like months. Now that he knew sneaking away would be easier than previously thought; he wasn't planning on waiting another moment. "Well that was never the plan-" "so there is even a plan?" Leonor didn't mean to be so sharp. She had to keep in mind that if they failed this once, there would be no redos. "You have to at least wait until school starts. The attention won't be on you then, we'll have time to come up with a plan." Wilhelm thought it through. He could wait until school starts. He also had to come up with a plan. A plan on how to apologize and make up to Simon. Did Simon even want to see him? The question was nagging Wilhelm constantly, keeping him awake at night. "Okay, that leaves us with a couple of days for you to settle and plan making." For the first time since they got there, Wilhelm no longer looked mad, surprised or just generally upset; he looked hopeful. He smiled a small smile at the princess and she for a moment felt that maybe this could work. Maybe he could be the friend she previously had wished for. "Yeah that's enough time, we also don't really have to spend every moment together. We just have to look like we do, right?" Leonor wasn't too hyped about spending every breathing moment outside of her room with Wilhelm. she wanted at least some time to herself. She hoped she could find some friends. "Yes, no one will really look into it much. Breakfast is served from 8-9 am. Also, stay away from August. He's a bad person." And so Wilhelm left to his own room leaving Leonor alone.

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As Wilhelm walked down the hall he kept thinking about how wrong he had been about Leonora. Though to his defence, she was a great liar. He felt as if he owed her to at least warn about August. Only thinking about him made his blood boil. If only he wouldn't have been so quick to pay for his next term August wouldn't even be here. If only he'd been smarter. If only. If... If.. IF-. That was another thing that keeps plaguing the young prince. All the things he could have done differently- said differently. For the most part, he was just annoyed at himself. why would he tell Simon that he loved him; it was true and he wanted him to know but still. The fact that he didn't say it back either meant; he just didn't love him back or he disliked him so much at that moment that Simon could only partly forgive him. He felt stupid, making almost every breathing moment about Simon. But then again, if he could stop he would. He just really liked him.

The door to his room creaked like it always did. He had thought about getting it checked up but then remembered that this had been Erik's room once. That made him think that the creak might have been there when Erik was there too. This somehow made him feel closer to Erik so he let it be. His bed felt emptier. He always thought people that said "everything reminds me of them" were incredibly stupid, but now- how cheesy it might sound, he understood.

He always felt alone, most at night. Previously he had Erik and August on his team, then just Simon, and now just him. He liked to consider that maybe he had Leonor. But then again he didn't want to jump, scared that he would fall on his face. He wanted to say that the nights were the worst, but no matter how bad the nights were, the mornings were always a little shittier.

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Leonora didn't see Wilhelm again until about the middle of the next day. She had met most of the girls, everyone was so far really nice. The worst part about being royals was always to know if the person next to you only wanted you for fame or glory. But so far she had only gotten good vibes. Not all of the girls were back of course, but most were. She very quickly realized who the "leader" of the major girl group was. It was a girl called Felice. She was nicer than most, everyone has their issues so Leonor wasn't too picky. "Wilhelm!" Felice waved him to come and join them on the grass. Over the break, Felice had completely gotten over her crush on Wilhelm. They were still friends but had no feeling past that.

Leonor wasn't 100% comfortable enough to talk freely in the group yet. She spoke mostly when spoken to. Wilhelm brought a bit of a nice feeling with him. She didn't really know him either but he felt more like home than the rest. It was weird because she didn't know him but still. "Have you had breakfast?" Wilhelm asked as he got closer. Leonor had learned that girls and boys didn't eat food together, which would have been an issue if she was actually babysitting the prince. "Yeah, we did, there were so many options I was starstruck." Felice laughed, "didn't you grow up in a castle where you could have anything you wanted?" One of the girls had asked, not in a mean way more in a "how can this be mesmerizing" type of way. "Well yeah I know, it just doesn't feel the same." It felt nice, being there with people her age.

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Wilhelm liked hanging out with Nor (he had gone on to call her that for short). It made him feel less alone. Also at the moment, she was the closest thing to a family he didn't hate. His mom had tried to apologize, even send his father to him. But he was tired of his parents' apologies, they never changed and hadn't even tried to understand why he was hurt in the first place. They just wanted to move on so they could go back to tell him what to do all the time. An apology without change wasn't it for him. He was tired of his parents walking all over him all the time. Doing things without asking him, picking August over him. He bet they wished August was their son. At moments like these, he really wished Erik was still alive.

He had zoned out of whatever the group was talking about. He just enjoyed the feeling of some company. It didn't make him feel completely whole but closer than he could alone. As he toned in more to what they were talking about he understood it was about the upcoming ball. The school hosted a winter ball after the break every year. They called it the winter ball. Felice was explaining it to Nor and how the girls should definitely go buy dresses together. That's when disaster struck. He knew that Simon and his sister had made new arrangements to start living at the school. He hadn't expected to see him so soon. What was he going to say? What was he supposed to do? Stick to the plan! But there he was beautiful as ever.

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Sorry I didn't update sooner. I tried to get it done as quickly as possible. I'm a slow writer sorry<3 Also some characters might not be exactly as from the show. I like to make them a little bit more "my" characters. Anyways hope you enjoyed it. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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