Is it really a coincidence?

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I am not really a superstitious person but these incidents that have happened in my life can't be forgotten.
These are the things that I do remember.... like when I was a pre - teen my family was about to start building a new house, you see we had these rituals on the first day it was supposed to be build. But the thing is I cried....
And Bam! After the house was finished we had to wait for a year more to officially live in it because my grandpa had died.
That's not the only time that bad things happened when I cried.
Next, on the first day of my college I cried then what do you think happened?
Yes, I had a bad phase for a year.
Bad habits leading to bad health. Depression, suicidal etc...
But I was totally fine the next year like I was some kind of good girl ; even professors were shocked by my change in academics. Weird right? How can someone be so easily fine after going through a rough patch for a year.
See, it gets more weirder and creepy
My dad wanted to start a new business which I didn't approve of but he didn't care because I was just a teenager. But...on the day of signing the official papers I cried my eyes out.... honestly that business has gone down the hill.
Is this really a coincidence?
Twice, maybe a coincidence but thrice?
Also here's a bomb, remember kids cry a lot right after the birth even I did and you know what my parents say...I was sick for a year and about to be on death bed...
This really creeps me out.
Is crying really a bad luck?
Tell me is it a coincidence or not...?

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