Sires? Extended Ending

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It's been months. I figured out how to transform into both a car and jet. Even the other Decepticons like me. Well, most of them. Knockout and Breakdown are my best friends. I'm in the med bay with them now. And Starscream. With me on the floor, crying. The seeker was standing above me, blocking my view of Knockout and Breakdown spitting insults at me. I could barely make out KO mumble something. 

"Why Lord Megatron decided to keep you, I haven't a clue. Look at you, you're a weak, pathetic, good-for-nothing! You even keep your fleshy form! You disgust me, it's no wonder no one cares for you," Starscream hissed in my tear-stained faceplates. I stare up at him in shock and fear as I start to shake my helm. 

"N-no... K-knockout and Breakd-" I tried but he cut me off by laughing bitterly. More tears fell at his next words. "They. Don't. Care! You stupid femme! They are made to sparkling-sit you so your creators can take a break from the burden you make them carry. They hate yo-" He had a servo raise in the air ready to strike my face when the med doors opened, cutting him off. His frame went rigid at the sound of Papa's voice. 

"I was going to ask why you summoned us, Knockout. But my guess is the answer is the scene before us." Papa's optics were filled with rage as he and Dad send comfort through the bond. Dad sent worry when I didn't respond. I could see from the corner of my optics that he began to worry when he saw my shaking frame, still staring up at Starscream. I didn't dare move in case he did strike my face. Did he harm you? Dad asked through the bond. I ever so slightly shake my helm no, not taking my optics of the sharp talons. I'm fine. Physically, at least. Starscream began to shake as he turned o meet the optics of two very pissed-off fathers. 

"Starscream..." He yelped as Papa and Dad started towards him. Knockout quickly came over and scooped me up into his arms to hold me out of the way as the seeker took off in a run as my Sires started to chase. Knockout handed me to Breakdown with ease since my frame was still pretty small compared to others. I clung to Breakers chestplates still shaking. The mech in turn hugged me back tightly.  I hear Breakdown whisper something to Knockout and they both snicker. Suddenly I'm tossed onto Breakdown's shoulders. I gasp and start laughing softly. Me being half their size and being much lighter makes it easier for the two mechs to toss me back and forth. This makes me laugh more. 

Suddenly, I get thrown into another pair of arms. I look up to see Dad, Papa right behind him. Dad sets me down on a nearby medical berth. Right when I thought they were going to move away, he and Papa attack my sides tickling me. I let out a happy squeal before giggling and laughing again. After a while, they stopped tickling me. I crawled to stand on the berth before jumping at Papa who caught me easily. I smiled warmly as Dad joined the hug. I couldn't be happier now that I have my family.

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