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3:00 AM

Anya, where are you?
Please tell me where are you
Let's fix this, please?
It's not true that I only married you because of the baby, even without it, I'd still marry you in a heartbeat.
I'd still choose to spend the rest of my life with you.
I'd still choose to be committed with you.
I'd still choose you over everyone.
Hurt me all you want
Push me away
I'll never leave you
Because we promised each other, right?
For better or for worse
Who cares if you lied about the baby?
We can always make babies in the future
I'd be very much willing to raise children with you
So please?
Tell me where you are
You're my wife, Anya.
I'll always love you no matter what
Can't you feel that?

SENT 3:12 AM

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