Pratice and not feeling well

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(I do not own horse land and this is just a story while I thought of with my friend)

Jimbers POV

It was a beautiful morning, the sun was shining bright on the farm. I was forced to open my eyes as I heard the door to the barn open and the kids come inside the barn. I forced myself of my hooves as I saw will come near my stall.

Will was holding a apple in one hand and a brush in the other. "Hey boy, how you feeling today?" Will asked while petting my neck softly. I tossed my head as a "Yes" and he laughed once I did. " let's get you ready for today, shall we?" Will asked me. Once again I nodded my head.

Once will had brushed me, he went into the tack room and a few minutes later, returned with my saddle and bridle. I saw both of the equipment and neighed. Will laughed and set the saddle down on my old spine gently. I allowed the bit into my mouth and played with it for a second while I felt Will take the rest of the bridle and put it over my ears.

Will led me out of my stall and we both saw everyone was already tacked up and ready for practice. Will led me to the arena and put his foot into the stirrup and pulled himself onto my back. I felt a sharp pain once he was on my back and stumbled backwards a little as a warning but will didn't notice.

Wills POV

I felt Jimber back up a little when I got on but I didn't think anything about it. Instead I started to urge Jimber forward to meet the rest of the group in the center of the arena for practice. I saw Sarah, Alma, Bailey, Molly, Chloe and Zoe on top of, Scarlet , Button , Aztec , Calypso , Chili and pepper.

"Okay Everyone, as you see we are working on striding today. What is striding? I am getting to that. Striding is where you count your horses stride to the jump so you have a good distance and clear the jump. Watch me and Jimber first." I Explained.
I urged Jimber into a fast canter heading to the jump. I saw Jimber look at me with pain in his eyes. I was confused and saw the jump and that we were close and started counting his strides.

I saw that Jimber was unsure on what I was doing and about the jump so I put my hand on his neck to hopefully get his attention. Jimber saw what I was doing and saw the jump ahead. Instead of jumping the jump he dodged off to the side knocking me into the jump back first. "Are you okay, Will?!" Bailey asked his cousin running over on Aztec with everyone but Chloe and Zoe following. " Yeah I am fine, but what about Jimber he never refuses a jump" I said looking over at my horse who is on the other side of the arena looking down.

" Will is right, Jimber never does this. Do you think something could be wrong with him?" Sarah said. "Could be" Molly said. "Mabye he is just having a bad day, Everyone has a bad day." Chloe said. "Could be" I said standing up and brushed the sand off of me. I walk over to Jimber and place a hand on his head. "Everything Okay, bud?" I ask.

Jimber POV

I look back to see Will touch my neck trying to urge me on, but I didn't feel good at all. I felt like I was going to die. I look at the jump and said in my brain "Sorry Will" as I dodge off to the side of the jump and here a loud bang and look behind me to see Will fell off and knocked over the jump. I hear Bailey go to him and everyone else.

After they were done talking I here soft foot steps on the sand coming near me. I saw it was Will. He came up to me and put his hand on my neck and asked me "Are you okay Bud?" I wish I could answer but he wouldn't be able to understand me. I wanted to tell him I felt like I was going to die but I couldn't the only animals I could tell were my friends......
I wonder how they would act if I told them if I felt like this. How would they react? Would I die? What is happening to me.

( Chapter one Done!!! 770 words oh my lord. Someone help me. First chapter and the next chapters will be even longer someone help me)

Jimbers SufferingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang