A Father's Descent

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Under Sue’s care, nothing of an evil nature, spiritual nor human would ever dream of approaching her family. Not even Chrome's illness could affect them. As it affected normal people. She hadn't spent the last sixteen years since they discovered Chrome's condition just washing dishes, doing the laundry and bickering on about the other neighborhood house wives. Supernatural problems require Supernatural solutions. So she has spent all those years biding her time, building up power. In the afternoon she'd meditate in their vacant living room, communicating with spirits from the other side.

In the morning that followed her fight with David, she had curved with a knife, a star enclosed within a circle around the whole living room floor and would seat in it with her legs crossed while she meditated. As she meditated, her closed eye lids would move rapidly when she communicated with the spirits on the other side, praying and asking them for power, gathering information and wisdom.

She would often remark how boring and anti climactic the devil was, and that he had notable power and insight on the univers but could never hold a conversation without whining about how graceful he used to be, or how so unfair God was for casting him out of heaven, and his voice? Suited his mannerism she'd say pretty much annoyed. In her words 'An entitled toddler who still needed a beating even in hell.'

To Chrome this was all too normal, although he knew deep down that it was not what normal should look like.On Sunday afternoons Sue would leave the house in a black hooded cloak every time saying she's off to gather some supplies. Upon returning in the scape of the night she'd often have a black damp trash bag, filled with god knows what. David's mind, always swarming with guilt would take the chance of her absence to go to the Leaf Falls Hail Mary Church to confess his sins in the afternoon. This was his second haven after the morgue. Although he never recalled much about church afterwards. Just that he was more refreshed than often. 

"Forgive me father for I have sinned" He said squeezed into the shade of the confession box. A small wooden door was slid open through a window frame where they'd communicate. The father didn't seem to mind him talking so he continued. "I've committed quite a number of atrocities, father. My wife and I have done so much wickedness over the years... Things we can never take back. The Devil himself will spit on our graves when we're dead" he paused facing down looking quite troubled "But please!" he erupted "Please take mercy on our son. He's just a boy, he doesn't know any better. It's not his fault that he had parents like us. He was just dealt a cruel fate. A spiritual illness..." he stopped waiting to hear the father's response. To his surprise...

"The devil cannot be forgiven." The Father stated. David was over taken with petrification at the sound of his familiar voice. "How is your witch of a wife and Devil for a son?" the Father continued "from what you've said it sounds like they are still alive, David. How disappointing." He said with a raspy voice that sounded as if he was swallowing sand

"Issac." David uttered conclusively in an unwelcomed recognition "How did you find us?" he asked diligently.

"Quite simple old friend. I just followed that stench of death your devil son is so abundantly plagued with" His monocle bearing eye peaked through the window frame at David "Speaking of Devil son, why is he still alive?" he asked resolutely.

"I said I'd handle it, and you said you'd leave us alone, Issac" David said losing his patience."I left you alone for three months, and in those three months the people of this god forsaken town have lost so many of their lives. How many more have to die before you grow a pair and kill that Devil you call a son!" he raged on "If you can't do that then kill the witch. I'll will take care of your boy. She's the only reason I can't get to him that bitch!"

"Watch your mouth priest!" David blew out of his sit "Leave my wife out of this." he clinched his fist.

"Sit down David! We are not done." Issac demanded. David hesitated to follow his order. Isaac displayed a silver cross dangling through the window frame “I said sit - down.” David set back down reluctantly at the sight of the dangling silver cross. Issac continued "Since you're the only one who can get close to Sue without being turned inside out and also survive your devil son's troubling curse. I thought you'd be... ideal to take them both out, but it would seem you're wife has a strong hold over you. Not even my highest form of hypnosis can break through whatever spell she has you under. No matter how I swing this cross, you just won’t kill her for me.” Isaac’s sharp shark teeth glared through the darkness of the confession box. “But at least you can still kill your son." He cackled deviously.

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