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Cupid, on a mission.

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“Help me.” He asked with so much sincerity, his dark green eyes shine with intensity. It was getting harder to reject him.

We were at the back gate of the school and he was standing in front of me in his lacrosse uniform. He was sweating, his dark brown hair matted with sweat and he was slightly starting to smell from all the exercise he probably did earlier. His lacrosse stick was on the ground as he clutched on my arms like I was his last life guard. Like I was the only one left to save him.

“Please. Please help me.” He pleaded.

“What made you think I want to help you?” I asked him in a challenging tone as I successfully left his deadly grasp and crossed my arm across my chest as I narrowed my eyes at him.

I never had a great impression of him. He was the captain of the lacrosse team. The playboy of the school. He was the jerk of all jerk. The worst of the worst. Always going to parties, chasing after pretty girls. And once they got them to fall in love with him. He leave them in their dust. Having the liberty to break every girl’s heart over and over again. He was the worst. A pure modern beast. 

“Because you’re the only one I can turn to now. You’re the only one I know that will be able to help me. You’re Cupid!” He exclaimed with his hands raised up to show more drama into his tone and place more emphasis. He was desperate, I could tell. His eyes were contorted with so much emotions, it was hard to pin point one.

“I’m no Cupid! I don’t have wings, nor bows or arrows that can make people fall in love!” I explained to him the fact that I’ve explained to others time and time again.

“But you’ve managed to get people to fall in love with each other.” He stated.

I nodded. That was a fact. That was the truth. I was like the matchmaker of this school or you would like to call me. The Cupid. When one who is desperately in love with another regardless of gender, I would help them. I gather knowledge, facts about the other and give them advice on what to do to win their heart.

I looked at him straight in his eyes. My light greenish-blue eyes staring back at his dark green ones. I wasn’t going to back down. There’s just no way! He was asking the impossible. I’m never helping another girl to fall into his trap and fall in love with this jerk. I’m not planning on breaking her heart by helping him.

“So? What of it? I’m not going to help you! You’re the worst, the player of the school! What made you think that I would be blind enough into helping you to break this girl’s heart? You got to be crazy!” I exclaimed harshly at him with my hands moving up for more emphasis on how much I disliked him and how I didn’t want to help him.

He shook his head slightly, drops of sweat was running down his face and on to the ground. He had this nervous yet dying look on his face. He combed his hair backwards a couple of times with his finger, leaving it a mess. But it didn’t leave him less handsome.

Even though he was a jerk, he was handsome nonetheless. He got his dark green eyes that held depth when he wants to. His chiselled jaw and his dark brown buzz cut hair. He was fit. Of course he had to be. He was the captain of the lacrosse team.

But his personality and reputation tore his attractiveness down to zero. Or at least to me. I’m never interested in guys like him and there was no way I’m helping him chase this girl’s heart knowing he would break it. No doubt about that.

“No… no. You’re wrong. I love her and I want you to help me. Change me. Make me become the best guy. The one with the best manners, the one who knows what to say and do at times. Change my reputation. Make her see the new me. The me that would never break a girl’s heart ever again. A good guy. Not a jerk. I just… want to win her heart. I really… really really love her.”

His words left a ringing sound in my ears and it was on repeat. It was sweet. His confession. He sounded so sincere. The way he was talking, looking straight into my eyes. It was obvious. Just plain obvious that he was absolutely and thoroughly in love with her.

And that just broke down all my guards and walls about him. Literally tore my walls down just by his confession. But he was the jerk, the playboy of the school. Will he really change? But I know a sincere heart when I see one.

And his was the epitome of sincere. I not only could tell that he was desperate. I could also tell that I was his last hope. The last person that can help him to win his dream girl’s heart.

I sigh as I let loose of the grip on my arm as I leaned on the wall of the back gate that had managed to hid us from preying eyes of others that I know would be wondering what just happened.

My brows are definitely furrowed now, I’m really trying hard to weigh out what are the pros and cons in helping him. I don’t ask for rewards. I’m just happy that others managed to find their romance and happiness.

“Urgh. I hope I don’t regret this.” I muttered under my breath slowly.

Looking up to his eyes and with as much intensity he was looking at mine, I said, “Fine.”

I could see the tension rolling off him and his shoulder slack and his fist unclenched from him torturing himself. Finally he showed his relaxed posture.

“Thank you.” He said and I could see he was holding back his excitement and he was so darn happy that I managed to say I would help him even though I threw all those harsh remarks at him. His eyes were a light green and the hazel specks on the side were sparkling too and it was beautiful.

But I then realized. It seems like I’m up for a huge task. An impossible yet seem possible task.

“Just don’t make me regret my decision.” 

Cupid, on a missionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon