Chapter 5: Gwen Hart.

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Chapter 5.

Gwen Hart.


"Alright, let's start. Who is she?" I asked Turner who is sitting opposite me inside Frosty's.

We've just came out from detention and boy was it boring with all the reflection worksheet to do. What was I supposed to reflect about? It was all Turner's fault that we ended up there in the first place. But then again, now we're in Frosty's. One of my favorite place to be at!

Frosty's is 'the' local cute ice cream shop in the middle of town. It has a big snowman as it's mascot next to their big cursive signboard 'Frosty's' at the top of the shop. The exterior of it looks modern yet rustic, while the interior is just gorgeous. The walls were a light blue, with tons of snowflakes of different sizes painted on it, everything looks so snow related, which happens to be one of my favourite seasons with spring coming in next!

We've already ordered with the waitress who was shamelessly flirting with Turner who did the same. Instead of ignoring it, I just raised my eyebrows the whole time when I see his smirk that was supposedly heart-stopping and the waitress's insane giggling. Who can giggle so much without losing her breath? She must've been a professional!

Once she's gone, I brought out my purple notebook that have bits and pieces of paper coming out of every end of it. Which in another case where Dani likes to refer it as "my Cupid's list". I guess it's something like that, it's for me to write down all the relative information of the person I'm gathering about.

"So who is she?" I asked again monotonously at Turner who obviously didn't hear me the first time.

He turned to look at me for a second and the next he was completely avoiding eye contact. Is he for real? Or did the alien kidnapped him or something and replaced him with this fidgety Turner. Weird.

I waited for him to speak and I was just about to get really annoyed from being ignored the second time when he finally spoke," G-G-Gwen Hart".

My eyes slowly widen as I finally took in what he said. Gwen Hart. Oh holy of macaronis. Gwen Hart.

"You do mean the Gwen Hart, the president of the literature club right?" I asked tentatively.

He sigh, "err yeah her. Who else?"

Well, I wasn't expecting this. I was expecting someone, I don't know. From the cheerleaders or the dance team? I guess I've got my work cut out for me. She's going to be one tough cookie to crack.

"Alright, Gwen Hart." I muttered while flipping to a new page on my notebook, I scribbled on her name as I went on to ask the usual questions.

"Do you know her on a personal level?" I asked.

Turner thought about it for a bit while at the same time, our orders arrived. Giving a quick 'thank yous' to her, with an extra wink from Turner. She left with her face flushed as she giggled. I shook my head slightly as I laughed.

But the sides of my lips moved higher and higher, to a full blown grin. I mean, I'm looking at one of the most delicious thing man could ever make on earth. What's better than that?

Chocolate mint ice cream. The best thing to ever and I mean ever exist on Earth! I picked up my spoon as I looked down on my bowl thinking where I should start. The middle? The right or the left?

I was contemplating my dilemma when I heard a small muffled chuckle. I looked up to see Turner looking at me like I was a weird animal on exhibit, with a smile itching up his lips. I narrowed my eyes at him, "what? Haven't seen a girl being excited about ice cream before?"

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