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Timeskip Y/N POV

It is the 31st of October and we are in charms class with Professor Flitwick. We are partnered up for todays class. I was with a Hufflepuff named Chloe, Harry was with Seamus, and Ron was with Hermione. Professor Flitwick was telling us that, "one of a wizards most rudimentary skills is levitation. The ability to make objects float. Do you have your feathers?" Hermione then held up her feather. "Good. Now, don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing, hmm? The swish and flick. Everyone." We all made the motion that we learned. "Good. And enunciate. Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go then." Me and my partner began as did the rest of the class.

I could overhear Ron say, "Wingardium Leviosar," just after I had preformed the spell. He was waving his wand like a mad man.

Hermione must have had enough too as she said, "stop, stop, stop. You're going to take someone's eye out. Besides, you're saying it wrong. It's Levi-o-sa, not Levi-o-sar."

"You do it then if your so clever. Go on, go on," Ron retorted.

She then executed the spell just as the professor had shown us saying "Wingardium Leviosa."

"Oh, well done! See here, everyone! Miss Granger and Mr. L/N have done it," Professor Flitwick stated. There was then a small explosion that startled some of the class and the professor.

Harry then said, "I think we are going to need another feather over here Professor,"

And after that the rest of the class went smoothly. As the class ended I was walking with Hermione while Harry and Ron were walking with each other. Ron mocked Hermione by saying "it's Leviosa, not Leviosar. She's a nightmare, so is Y/N at times, but not like her no wonder she hasn't got any friends."

This pissed me off, talk about me how you want, but not my best friend. And what made this worse was that Hermione pushed past them crying. "Good going Ron" I retorted "all she wanted to do was help you and that is how you thank her! Say what you want to about me but you will not talk about my best friend like that." Then in a calmer tone, " you did nothing wrong Harry don't think I'm yelling at you too. I'll meet you at dinner." And I went off. I found her a couple minutes later in the girls bathroom. Great. I knock on the door and ask, "Hermione, can you come out? I want to talk to you." As I was going to knock again, when Angelina  Johnson came out. "Hi Angelina. Could you ask Hermione to come out? I need to talk to her. Ron was being a git and...."

"You know, no one else is in there. And I won't tell anyone. That you may have gone in there," she said.

"Thanks Angelina." And she then winks and walks off. I then entered the bathroom. "Hermione can you come out?"

"Y/N? You'll be in so much trouble if you're caught in here. You should go," she said in a stall while trying to hide her tears.

"And I don't care, you're my best friend and I'm not going to let you be sad," and to these kind words she came out and engulfed me in a hug.

"Thank you," she said into my ear.

"your welcome Mione. Let's go get dinner," then we were going to leave the bathroom but my armor  appears on my body. I then heard a low thomp sound. And under the door there was a larger shadow. It smelt like pig puke and cow manure and I know this because o growing up on a farm and my parents had had a few different animals  over the years that I helped care for. I just as I was about to tell her the troll came in. "Move!" I yelled. The troll swung his club, hitting the first two stalls and destroying them. The troll was now over us and was about to swing his club again. Just as it was about to connect I parried the strike and cut it in half I then pushed Hermione to the entrance  and the troll now mad smacked me in the wall and my sword got implanted in the wall. I run at the troll and slide under it kick its legs and it stumbles. I then jump and punch it in the face I got to strike again but it catches me and throws me in to a sink. I make my shield appear and throw it at the trolls head it comes back to me. I hold up my shield and the troll starts beating on it. All of a sudden a hidden blade comes from my wrist.

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