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A/N: Hey guys i would love to know what yall think of the story so far and what about you character.

Timeskip Y/N POV

"Knight to E5," Harry said.

It is now Christmas and snow was all over the castle. At this time of the year students could go home to be with their families or the holidays or you could stay at the castle. Harry was staying at the castle. Ron said he was going home but he hasn't packed yet. Sadly, Hermione was going home, but so was I, so it's not as bad. Still I will miss being with my best friend. I will be leaving the castle the day right after Christmas as my parents said the ministry needed them for there input on something. Because of this they and I have decided to exchange gifts then, since it's not too far away. I am mostly packed, I just have a few things since I am going to be here a few more days. We were in the common room and while Harry and Ron were playing wizards I was watching while cleaning my armor and sword.

"Queen to E5," Ron replied. And with that Ron's queen made its way over to Harry's knight and destroyed it just as Hermione made her way to us.

"That's totally barbaric!" She told us.

"That's wizards chess. I see you've packed," Ron replied.

"See you haven't" she said

"Change of plans. My parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother Charlie. He's studying dragons there."

"Good. You can help Harry and Y/N while he's here then. They're going to be looking for information on Nicholas Flamel."

"We've looked a hundred times! And what do you mean while Y/N is here?"

Being drawn into the conversation I said "I thought I told you. My parents said that they aren't going to be able to be home for the full time for break, but they will be home on the 26th. So, I am leaving on that day via Floo network."

"Oh. But we've looked at pretty much every history book here," Ron said.

"Not in the restricted section," she said in a whisper so only the four of us could hear, "Merry Christmas." And then Harry and Ron went back to their game after saying Merry Christmas to her as well.

Before she left to make her way to the great hall I said, "wait right here for one sec. I'll be right back," and I went to my dorm and grabbed the gift that i wanted to give Hermione. I came back down and said, "I wanted to give this to you."

"Thank you Y/N I would give you your gift but i haven't wrapped it yet" she replied.

"Mione dont worry about it. It's the season of giving after all."

"I will make sure you get it on the 25th. Merry Christmas Y/N" she said with a smile then hugged me.

"Merry Christmas Hermione."

Hermione POV

After Y/N gave me my gift I make my way to the great hall where those of us that were going to be going home were gathered so we could then go to the train. And I knew deep in my heart.

I was going to miss Y/N and I think I am starting yo have a crush on him.

Timeskip Y/N POV

I was dreaming. I was older and fighting something, I couldn't tell what it was but it sure felt like a life or death situation. Before I saw what I was going to do next I was awoken by Ron shouting "Harry Y/N come on wake up!" It was too early for this.

As we were getting ready Harry asked "is he always like this on Christmas?"

"I haven't spent Christmas with the Weasley's in two years, but apparently it its." I said with a laugh "come on. I cant wait to see what I got you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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