Kobe always trying to ruin shit

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Kobe pov
I only moved here because I know that my brother Derek has a girlfriend and I'm gonna take her from him😈

Kobe:hey Victoria right derek girlfriend

Victoria:yea and you are

Kobe:I'm Kobe his brother you haven't heard of me

Victoria:yea it's just Derek hates you

Kobe:oh well you look beautiful

Victoria:ummm thanks(she said uncomfortable) well bye

You went to Derek and told him everything


Derek:yes mamas

Victoria:umm Kobe

Derek:what about him

Victoria:I think he was flirting with me idk but I'm very uncomfortable around him

Derek:this bitch and now you see why I hate him every relationship I've been Kobe has always ruined it and ends up with them

Victoria:oh well can you be by my side

Derek:ofc always I love you

Victoria:I love you more

Derek:cap let's go eat


They went downstairs and sat at the dinner table vallyk had ordered pizza vallyk sat next to Gabriella mike sat next to rose and Derek sat next to Victoria also Kobe did too🙄

Victoria pov
As I was eating I felt a hand on my thigh I thought it's was Derek but then I looked down to see that it wasn't Derek it was Kobe and I looked at him and saw him smirking

Victoria:get your hand off me I whispered

Kobe:no he whispered back and left his hand there

Remind you I'm uncomfortable as hell so I tapped Derek


I gave him a look to look under the table once he saw him jump up and punched Kobe in his jaw

Mike:unt wth

Vallyk:what just happened

Derek:this nigga keeps touching and flirting with my girl and making her uncomfortable

Mike:really Kobe you doing this shit again

Mike and vallyk knows what Kobe always does to Derek when Derek gets a girlfriend

Kobe:it's not my fault Victoria wants me and finds me attractive

Victoria:no the hell I don't the only person I want and finds attractive is Derek and Derek only I'm uncomfortable being around and what Derek tells me about you I'm starting to hate you my damn self

Kobe:man fuck you bitch

Victoria:I know you didn't just call me a bitch

Kobe:yep bitch

Once Kobe said that you ran and jumped on Kobe and beat he's ass until Derek pulled you off of him once you calm down you look to see Kobe coughing up blood and had a black eye you tried to beat his ass again but Derek caught you

Derek:bae chill go to the room ok


Victoria left and the girls followed her

Victoria:I hate Kobe I hate him so much

Gabriella:ok we know but can you pls calm down

Once Gabriella said that you run to the bathroom and throw up

Rose:Victoria are you ok

Victoria:yea but(you check your period calendar)

Victoria:I missed my period

Gabriella:how my days

Victoria:11 days

Rose:girl go to the store and get a pregnancy test

Victoria:you think I'm pregnant

Gabriella:girl if you're period is 11 days later your mostly differently pregnant

Victoria:fine I'll got get a pregnancy test

Y'all went downstairs

Victoria:Derek can I drive you car to go to the store

Derek:yea but why

Victoria:umm to but I pregnancy test



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