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Victoria pov
I woke up in the middle of the night due to sharp pains I got up to go to the bathroom but as I got up I felt water dripping down my leg and the sharp pains got worse I knew I was going into labor

Victoria:bubba wake up

Derek:what I'm tired go back to sleep

Victoria:baby I can't I'm going into labor

Derek:oh shit

Derek got up and grab y'all bags and put them in the car the whole house heard you scream in pain

Ahiella:what's wrong

Victoria:my water broke

Gabriella:do you need anything

Victoria:yea can y'all come with me and Derek and also so one help me to the car

Mike:ofc but where's Derek

Rose:I just saw him with bags in his hand and car seat going to the car

Mike:oh get her and let's go but be careful

Vallyk:Mike you got her

Mike:yea let's go

They got Victoria in the car and then the rest got in the car and they drove to the hospital

Nurse:what's wrong

Derek:my wife is going into labor

When Victoria heard Derek call her his wife she got happy

Nurse:ok only two people can go back there with her

Victoria:umm Derek and Gabriella

Nurse:ok the rest go to the waiting room pls

After that the took Victoria to the room and it was time for her to push

Nurse:ok on the count of three I want you to push ok


Nurse:1,2,3 push

Victoria push and the doctors saw that baby head

Nurse:ok again 1,2,3 push

Victoria pushed for the second time and the baby head popped out

Nurse:ok last one this time gave me a big push 1,2,3

Victoria pushed for the third time and the baby came out Derek was crying tears of joy Gabriella was hugging you and you were relieved that it was over but you pussy was In pain really bad

So they gave Derek some type of cream to rub on there(hospital don't do that I know) Derek put some of the cream on his middle and ring finger and rub it on you pussy you moaned a little bit and Derek smirked

Derek:does it feel good princess😏

Victoria:uhhh yesss

Gabriella:ewww WTF I'm right here


Victoria:I forgot you were right there

Gabriella:damn that hurt

Victoria:sorry I love you

Gabriella:I love you too

Derek:Aye what about me

Victoria:I love you daddy

Gabriella:love you bozo

Derek:I love you guys too

Anyways the doctor brought back the baby and gave him to Victoria

Nurse:so what's his name

Derek:Dior trendz

Victoria:aww I like that name

Nurse:yea it's beautiful well enjoy y'all beautiful baby boy

Victoria:thank you

The nurse walked out and told Mike em they can come see you once they got in the room Mike said

Mike:I knew that baby was finna come out looking like Derek

Derek:well I don't know if you remember the bet we did if the baby comes out looking like me you gotta give me head twice a day

Victoria:shit I forgot about that but a bet is a bet so Ig


 Dior trendz Newborn Parents(Derek,Victoria)

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Dior trendz

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