Who did it

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Recap:some one shot Kobe but it wasn't Derek anyways

When the realize that Derek gun was on the floor they all heard loud breathing and look to Victoria with a gun in her hand

Mike:when the fuck did she get a gun from

Derek:I got it for her when we was all supposed to train them

Vallyk:oh shit I forgot about that anyways

Victoria:Derek I'm s sorry

Derek:it's ok don't cry

Victoria:I didn't mean to I'm really sorry(she crying already)

Derek:hey (Derek says hug you)it's ok vallyk let's get the car and go to the hospital


They made it to the hospital

Mike:here to see Kobe Morris

Nurse:who are y'all to him


Nurse:ok room 202


They walked in Kobe's room

Vallyk:h hey Kobe

Mike:nigga what you stuttering for

Vallyk:fool shut up

Kobe:anyways so Victoria you shot me huh


Derek:baby calm down

Victoria:y yes


Victoria:because you talked about me and Derek unborn child that's disrespectful and I'm tired of you always starting shit with me and Derek I'm tired of you trying to ruin our relationship and I'm tired of you keep trying to flirt with me and keep touching me I'm uncomfortable to be around you

Kobe:well damn if you felt that way why didn't you saying anything

Mike,vallyk,and Derek:SHE DID DUMBASS

Kobe:no need to yell damn


Kobe:I'm sorry for everything I did to you and Victoria I promise I can change I just hate that Derek has always been the one to get girls and you're mom and dad favorite

Derek:nigga why you just know saying this shit

Kobe:idk I'm really sorry

Derek:everything thing you said is true


Derek:nigga you could get a girl if you really tried

Victoria:I mean I have a sister who follows you on social media who loves you

Kobe:how old is she

Victoria:how old are you


Victoria:oh she's 18

Kobe:what's her name


Kobe:what she looks like

Gabriella:like Victoria

Victoria:we're not twins

Gabriella:yea ok

Victoria:girl shut up

Rose:I mean Ahiella does kinda looks like you

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